kanitw / angular-webpack-cookbook

The repository for the Angular Webpack Cookbook Gitbook

Home Page:http://dmachat.github.io/angular-webpack-cookbook

Repository from Github https://github.comkanitw/angular-webpack-cookbookRepository from Github https://github.comkanitw/angular-webpack-cookbook

angular-webpack-cookbook - A cookbook for using Webpack with Angular

Go to cookbook


If you notice something to improve, the easiest way to do that is to

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Set up a branch
  3. Make the changes (see /content)
  4. Submit a PR

It's just a regular Github PR flow.

Alternatively you can open an issue and we'll look into it.

Note that gh-pages branch and wiki content gets generated based on the main repository content.

Gitbook Generator

The generator converts the wiki content to Gitbook (standalone site). In this case it is pushed to gh-pages. Use it as follows:

  1. npm install
  2. npm run generate-gitbook

This should generate /gh-pages. You can serve that directory through some static server (ie. hit serve at /gh-pages).

It is possible to deploy the book by hitting npm run deploy-gitbook. This will update gh-pages branch.


The repository for the Angular Webpack Cookbook Gitbook



Language:Shell 50.5%Language:JavaScript 49.5%