Taf(Trading Application Foundations) provides a framework for low-latency trading system development based on Intel x86-64.
- Based on Intel TBB, SIMD(AVX2+), lock-free queue, etc to optimize the performance.
- Nanosecond timestamp available.
- Developed with standard C++, corss-platform (windows and linux) is definitely supported.
- All dependencies included in pack, no need to download any other libs (like TBB).
- Provide C interface for multiple language calls (like Python).
- The delay for a simple application could be less 10us.
- Check your hardware availability to make sure that AVX2 or AVX512F is supported.
- C++17 compiler is needed.
- TBB libs and binary located in taf/libs/tbb/bin/
- Must use Visual Studio 2019 or above
- open taf/master/build/msvs/taf.sln
- Must select x64 mode
- Open taf/master/src/libs/taf/common/simd/simd.hpp to switch USE_AVX512 or USE_AVX512_BELOW micro (already existed in the file), depending on your hardware.
- Add /std:c++latest to C/C++ -> Command Line
- Config TBB env path in Configration->Debugging->Environment: path=..., could refer the properties config in example
- gcc 8.2 or above
- Example makefile is in taf/master/build/
- Must add -mavx2(-mavx512f) -std=c++17 to g++ command line
- Config TBB env path like LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... : /taf/libs/tbb/bin/linux
- example:
$ cd taf/master/build
$ make
$ ./example