Manjeet Singh (kanaud)


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ANY GUI Introduction python has many GUI tool kits available such as : 1) WxPython 2) Tkinter 3) pyQT 4) pyGTK 5) pyjs(Python javasccript) 6) easyGUI , etc. the goal of the project is to provide the user API to the users for most used tool kits like wxPython,Tkinter,pyQT,pyGTK. ANY GUI API using toolkits: wxPYTHON : from anygui import anywx pyGTK : from anygui import anygtk pyQT : from anygui import anyqt tkinter : from anygui import anytk Widgets : in anygui API there is only one top widget frame and rest all the widgets are added to the frame. In rest of documentation lets assume the selected tool kit is imported as a eg. from anygui import anywx as a anygui api automatically assigns default values for ol widgets . Frame: frame can be added by making an instance of class frame present in anygui api eg f=g.frame(id,title,width,height) id=id of the frame instance default value=-1 title=title that appear on the top of the frame as string default value=frame width=width of the frame default value =750 height=height of the frame default value=500 Append function: all other widgets other then top level frame widget has to be added to the farme by calling append function of the frame eg. For adding static_text call f.append(static_text) where static_text is the instance of widget static_text show function : should be executed at the end of the app to run the api . Eg Static Text: To add static text to the frame in our application by using class static_text eg s=static_text() in anygui all other attributes of the widget are class variable of that widget these attributes can be used to edit widgets for a user defined value class variable of static_text 1)position of static text pos=(x,y) x=width y=height 2)size of static text size=(x,y) x=width y=height 3)label=” ” label of static text as a string default=”static text” Button: to add button in the frame make a instance of widget button eg. b=button() button variables are : 1) pos =(x,y) assigning position to the button eg. b.pos=(20,45) 2) size=(x,y) size of the button eg. b.size=(20,45) 3) label=” “ label on the button eg. b.label=”click button” button widget also has pre defined functions: 1) onclick(function) here function defines the function that is executed on button click Check Box: to add check box in the frame make a instance of the widget check_box eg. c=check_box() check box variable are : 1) pos =(x,y) assigning position to the checkbox eg. c.pos=(20,45) 2) size=(x,y) size of the checkbox eg. c.size=(20,45) 3) label=” “ label on the checkbox eg. c.label=”check box 1” check_box also has following functions set value: set_value(BOOL) can be used to set check box to clicked =true or not clicked = false eg. c.set_value(True) get value: get_value() returns boolian value for a checkbox either true for clicked and false for not clicked Combo box: To add combo box in the frame make a instance of the widget combo_box eg. c=combo_box() check box variable are : 1) pos =(x,y) assigning position to the combo box eg. c.pos=(20,45) 2) size=(x,y) size of the combo box eg. c.size=(20,45) 3) labels=[] options in the combo box can be assigned by label list eg. c.label=[“vol 1”,”vol2”,.........] 4)default user defined default value for the combo box eg c.default=” vol 3” check_box also has following functions get value: get_value() returns string value for a combo box of the choice selected s=c.get_value() Text feild: To add single line text field in the frame make a instance of the widget text_field eg. c=text_feild() check box variable are : 1) pos =(x,y) assigning position to the text_feild eg. c.pos=(20,45) 2) size=(x,y) size of the text_feild eg. c.size=(20,45) 3) label=” ” assigning user defined default text in the text_feild eg. c.label=”this is text in text feild” check_box also has following functions 1)get text: get_text() returns string of the text present in the text feild s=c.get_text() 3)set text: set_text(string str) set string of the text in the text feild s=c.set_text(“this is in text feild”) Text Area: To add multiline text area in the frame make a instance of the widget text_area eg. c=text_area() check box variable are : 1) pos =(x,y) assigning position to the text_area eg. c.pos=(20,45) 2) size=(x,y) size of the text_area eg. c.size=(20,45) 3) text=” ” assigning user defined default text in the text_area eg. c.text=”this is text in text area” text_area also has following functions 1)get text: get_text() returns string of the text present in the text area s=c.get_text() 2)clear: clear() clear the text present in the text area s=c.clear() 3)set text: set_text(string str) set string of the text in the text area s=c.set_text(“this is in text area”) 4)append text: append_text(string str) appends string of the text present in the text area to the string passed in the function s=c.append_text(“this string will get appended”) Radio buttons: To add radio button set in the frame make a instance of the widget radio_buttons eg. c=radio_buttons() to add single radio button in the grup use append_rb function append_rb(label,weidth,height) eg. c.appendr_rb(label,width,height) check box variable are : 1) size=(x,y) size of the radio button grup eg. c.size=(20,45) radio_buttons also has following functions 1)get value: get_value() returns string of the label that was clicked s=c.get_value() 3)set_true: set_true(int n) set radio button n to be clicked c.set_true(2)



Calculator Language (CL) supports assignment, positive and negative integers and simple arithmetic. All operator have same precedence and are right associative . made an interpreter for the calculator language in python .
