kamrul-brur / UVA-Online-Judge-Solutions

UVA Online Judge Solutions Repository

Home Page:https://onlinejudge.org/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Welcome to my repository named UVA Online Judge Solutions. UVA is well known online judge for it's huge number of problems list and for critical problems. In this repository you will find more than 200 problems solution of this OJ. These code are mainly written in C/C++.Basically, I wrote all these solutions and I tried to use the effecient and understandable code as much as possible. In every problems solution I added Sample input-output. I solved several categorical problems and I followed the book "Competitive Programming 3" written by Steven Halim & Felix Halim.This book is awesome for leanring competetive programming. There is also pdf available of this book. If you stuck in solving any problems in this OJ then feel free to inform me. Happy Coding...