kamranahmedse / mondex

CLI tool to create and manage MongoDB indexes using code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CLI tool to create and manage MongoDB indexes using code


Install the package globally or alternatively you can also use npx

npm install -g mondex


Here is the list of mondex commands that you can use

  • pull — creates index configuration file by pulling existing indexes from your database
  • plan — shows the indexes to be created or dropped
  • apply — applies the changes from the configuration file (i.e. apply or drop indexes)

The list of options accepted by mondex are

Usage: mondex <command> [options]

  pull                       Creates index configuration from database
  plan                       Shows the index changes to be applied to database
  apply                      Applies the index changes from configuration to database

  -V, --version              output the version number
  -h, --help                 display help for command

  -f, --file <file>          path to indexes file (defaults to indexes.json in current directory)
  -i --uri <uri>             connection string for MongoDB
  -d, --db <database>        database name


The index configuration file is an array of objects with each object having two properties:

  • collection: Name of the collection
  • indexes: Array of indexes to be created

Index format is same as the one you would pass to db.collection.createIndex() in the mongo shell.

Given below is a sample JSON file representing sample index configuration:

    "collection": "user_resource_progress",
    "indexes": [
      { "resourceId": -1, "resourceType": -1, "userId": -1 },
      { "deletedAt": -1, "createdAt": -1 }
    "collection": "user",
    "indexes": [
      { "email": -1 },
      { "userType": -1, "createdAt": -1 },
      { "organizationId": -1, "userId": -1, "isActive": -1 }

Once you have the JSON file ready, you can use the mondex to start managing your indexes.

Unique and TTL Indexes

You can also specify the unique and TTL indexes as a part of index configuration. Mondex supports two special fields @isUnique and @expireAfterSeconds as a part of index configuration; if found in the list of columns, relevant index will be considered as a unique or TTL index.

For example, user.email in the following configuration will be considered as a unique index, while activity_log.createdAt will be a TTL index

    "collection": "user",
    "indexes": [
      { "email": -1, "@isUnique": true },
      { "userType": -1, "createdAt": -1 },
      { "organizationId": -1, "userId": -1, "isActive": -1 }
    "collection": "activity_log",
    "indexes": [
      { "createdAt": -1, "@expireAfterSeconds": 86400 },


Show the indexes that will be created and dropped

mondex plan --uri mongodb://localhost:27017 --db mydb --file ./indexes.json

Apply the changes from index configuration

mondex apply --uri mongodb://localhost:27017 --db mydb --file ./indexes.json

Pull existing database indexes in the configuration file

mondex  pull --uri mongodb://localhost:27017 --db mydb --file ./indexes.json


MIT © Kamran Ahmed


CLI tool to create and manage MongoDB indexes using code

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 99.1%Language:JavaScript 0.9%