kamranahmedse / git-pending

Git plugin to list TODO, FIXME, TESTME, DOCME comments in a repository

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Git plugin to list todo, fixme, testme and docme comments with verbose details


Run the command below to install the plugin

npm install -g git-pending


Open any git repository and run below command

git pending

This will list all the pending TODO, FIXME, TESTME and DOCME comments


Here is the list of options that you can pass to modify the output of git pending

git pending [--oneline|-o ]
            [--type|-t <fixme|testme|docme|todo>]
            [--author|-a <author>]


Here is the list of sample usage examples

git pending                     # All TODO, FIXME, DOCME or TESTME comments with commit details
git pending --no-stats          # Comments without stats
git pending --oneline           # Comments with only date
git pending --type fixme        # Only the fixme comments
git pending --author kamran     # Comments from specific author
git pending -t fixme -a kamran  # FIXME comments from specific author
git pending -t fixme -o         # Non-verbose fixme comments

# By default, it looks for text todo, fixme, testme and docme anywhere 
# in the comment. If you want to make the checks strict i.e. only match 
# @todo, @fixme, @testme and @docme, then use --strict flag
git pending --strict

Comments by Single Author

If you don't pass --author flag, it will show you the comments from everyone

git pending --author kamran --oneline

Comments with Commit Details

Not passing --oneline flag will give you the detailed output with commit that introduced the comment

git pending --author kamran

Comments of Specific Type

Use --type flag to specify the type of comments you need. Possible values (TODO, FIXME, TESTME, DOCME)

git pending --type TODO
git pending --type TESTME
git pending --type FIXME
git pending --type DOCME


MIT © Kamran Ahmed


Git plugin to list TODO, FIXME, TESTME, DOCME comments in a repository

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%