kammitama5 / Distracting_KATAS

This is a repo for all the katas that distract me while I'm trying to get work done

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  • Update ->4/5/17 I bought my first Knuth book today! It's on Combinatorics/Sorting/Searching. This is getting serious :)


This is a repo for all the katas that distract me while I'm trying to get work done. This is mainly because I like working on puzzles and am working on getting better at:

  1. Algorithms
  2. Data Structures
  3. Mathematical Puzzles
  4. Logic in solving Problems
  5. Matrices and Linear Algebra (eigenvalues, eigenvectors, etc)
  6. Regex (regular expressions) -> need to get better at this
  7. Arithmetic Progression/ sequences in programming -> Design patterns
  8. Dictionaries => key value pairs and matrices
  9. Enums (specifically in Ruby, which I don't really know right now, or wait...in Python!)
  10. Bitwise operations => Indempotency, Monotonicity, etc -> bin(n+(1 << 32))
  11. Currying in other languages (eg. Javascript)
  12. Datetime in Python (stripping/ parsing using RegEx)
  13. Flattening nested lists using Lambdas

I also have a bad habit of not leaving \n after my code. Need to get better at including that on Github. I apologize for meaningless commits of \n, but it won't become a habit.

Making a list of concepts learning through katas:

  1. Recursion with Memoization

  2. Binary Expansion

  3. Polybius squares

  4. Hamming Distances

  5. Swapping two Numbers without Temp: (where swap is function swap([ary]))

    ary[0] = ary[0] + ary[1]

    ary[1] = ary[0] - ary[1]

    ary[0] = ary[0] - ary[1]

  6. Pascal's Triangle

  7. Collatz Conjecture (3n + 1)

  8. Isogeny -> Cryptography

  9. Bresenham algorithm

  10. Annulus Theorem -> => Area of Annulus-> (PI * L^2) / 4

  11. Holomorphic Functions

  12. Heron's Formula => Math.sqrt(p(p-a)(p-b)(p-c)) where a is length a, b is length b, c is length c and p is perimeter / 2

  13. Monte Carlo Integration

  14. Tetration -> Knuth's Up Arrow Notation vs Conway's Chained arrow notation (1->2->3->4 etc)

  15. Zeckendorf's Theorem and Negafibonacci numbers

  16. Fenwick trees

  17. Logical disjunction/conjunction -> boolean mathematics XOR OR, etc

  18. Inverse Gamma Function

  19. Jaccard Similarity Coefficient

  20. Chebyshev Polynomials -> de Moivre's formula

  21. Runge's phenomenon

  22. Levenshtein distance vs Hamming distance

  23. Edit Distance -> Smith-Waterman algorithm, Needleman-Wunsch algorithm -> NLP applications -> sorting strings

  24. Mobius Function -> number theory/ combinatorics

  25. Trilinear Interpolation

  26. Crypto -> Polygraphic Substitution, Transposition Ciphers, Pigpen Ciphers, Vigenere ciphers

  27. Polybius Squares x1 y1 x2 y2 row and column to determine encryption of letter

  28. Fisher -Yates shuffle, Sattolo's algorithm

  29. Taylor Series --> Zeno's paradox

  30. Voronoi (diagram) / Centroidal Voronoi tessellation -> Fortune's algorithm

  31. Petersen Graphs/ Spanning Trees (Combinatorics/ Graph Theory)

  32. Incremental Voronoi Insertion -> Farthest-first-traversal algorithm (greedy algos)

  33. Bowyer-Watson Algorithm -> adds point to Delaunay triangulation -> used to obtain Voronoi diagram -> very interesting! -> think point clouds and terrain

  34. RMST-> Rectilinear Minimum Spanning Tree -> weight of edge between a pair of pints is rect dist between 2 pts

  35. Antipodal theorem -> Borsuk-Ulam theorem (reading S. Ulam's book)

  36. Baire Category Theorem (BCT)

  37. Alpha-Beta Pruning

  38. Ergodic transformations -> "a mapping of a plane onto itself, in which the successive images of a point were dense in the whole plane." -Ulam

  39. GAN-> Ian G. (AI wtb) generative adversarial network

  40. Evolutionary algorithms (Ud#city)

  41. Homomorphic Encryption and Differential Privacy (Ud#city)

  42. Motivic Cohomology

  43. Quantum bogosort :)

  44. Pell numbers -> recursive

  45. Langton's ant -> two-dimensional universal Turing machine

  46. Topological Sort -> DAG (Directed Acrylic Graph)

  47. Grothendieck topology

  48. Manacher's algorithm

  49. Gamma function

  50. Simplicial set

  51. Hadamard Matrix

  52. Blum Blum Shub : pseudorandom number generator

  53. Gyrovector spaces

  54. Neville's Method of Polynomial Interpolation

  55. Transitivity (graph theory)

  56. Circuits, Cycles, Trees and Digraphs (graph theory)

  57. Heyting Algebra (from PS community on FP)

  58. Skeleton Category of Finite Sets (from PS community on FP)

  59. Heyting Functors (from PS community on FP)

  60. Cnoidal waves and the Korteweg-de Vries equation, Boussinesq approximation/ waves

  61. Ultra filters..from E Kiehl's talk on "A Categorical View of Computational Effects."

  62. Kolakoski Sequence/ clumps

  63. Hinton diagrams

  64. Outstanding explanation of DAGs, Directed Acrylic Graphs, using example of buying travelling (you need to get a visa to get a passport, you need foreign exchange to buy gifts, etc).

    • Richard Southwell also has a great intro to Mathematica that directly shows the relationship between Adjacency Matrices and something like Directed Graphs. See here.
  65. McGregor Graphs. See Knuth video -> Sat Solvers, Van der Waerden's Problem etc

  66. Implementing a Garbage Collector in C++ -> Boehm garbage collector, mark-sweep algorithm

  67. Row Polymorphism vs Subtyping via PureScript

  68. Grobner basis

  69. System F vs System U and Graph Reduction

    • pertaining to Haskell compiler and lazy evaluation
  70. Runge-Katta and Lipschitz Continuity, Adams Moulton

  71. Prefix sum (see this Lambda World talk on Naperian Functors)

  72. Tambara functors from Bartosz talk (which I usually have to watch about five times)

  73. Bitonic Sort courtesy of Compiling to Categories


This is a repo for all the katas that distract me while I'm trying to get work done


Language:Python 50.3%Language:JavaScript 47.8%Language:Java 0.7%Language:Ruby 0.3%Language:C++ 0.3%Language:C# 0.2%Language:Haskell 0.1%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Rust 0.0%Language:Julia 0.0%Language:Nim 0.0%