kamleshkarki / Tableau-web-data-connector

create a Tableau web data connector

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create a Tableau web data connector

Before we create Tableau web data connector install Nodejs You can download Node from this link: https://nodejs.org/en/download/ Step1: To download the Tableau-web-data-connector from this link:

go to nodejs command promt and track where you extract Tableau-web-data-connector For ex: d:\Tableau-web-data-connector/..

step2: Run command-- npm start Now you have seen the local address in you promt just copy and past in chrom: by default port is: 8888

you are seen the index.html page of tableau web-data-connector

Now just add simulator/index.html Ex:

done. d:\webdataconnector\Examples folder now modify the html and js file as per your requirment.


create a Tableau web data connector