kamil-bednarek / release-please-action

automated releases based on conventional commits

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Release Please Action

Conventional Commits

Automate releases with Conventional Commit Messages.

Setting up this action

  1. If you haven't already done so, create a .github/workflows folder in your repository (this is where your actions will live).

  2. Now create a .github/workflows/release-please.yml file with these contents:

          - main
    name: release-please
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
          - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
              release-type: node
              package-name: release-please-action
  3. Merge the above action into your repository and make sure new commits follow the Conventional Commits convention, release-please will start creating Release PRs for you.

  4. For an alternative configuration that provides easier bootstrapping options for initial setup, follow these instructions (ignore the cli section) and then configure this action as follows:

    #...(same as above)
          - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
              command: manifest


input description
token A GitHub secret token, the action defaults to using the special secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN
release-type What type of project is this a release for? Reference Release types supported; new types of releases can be added here
package-name A name for the artifact releases are being created for (this might be the name field in a setup.py or package.json)
bump-minor-pre-major Should breaking changes before 1.0.0 produce minor bumps? Default false
bump-patch-for-minor-pre-major Should feat changes before 1.0.0 produce patch bumps instead of minor bumps? Default false
path create a release from a path other than the repository's root
monorepo-tags add prefix to tags and branches, allowing multiple libraries to be released from the same repository.
changelog-types A JSON formatted String containing to override the outputted changelog sections
version-file provide a path to a version file to increment (used by ruby releaser)
extra-files add extra-files to bump using the generic updater
fork Should the PR be created from a fork. Default false
command release-please command to run, either github-release, or release-pr, manifest, manifest-pr (defaults to running both)
default-branch branch to open pull release PR against (detected by default)
pull-request-title-pattern title pattern used to make release PR, defaults to using chore${scope}: release${component} ${version}.
changelog-path configure alternate path for CHANGELOG.md. Default CHANGELOG.md
github-api-url configure github API URL. Default https://api.github.com
--signoff Add Signed-off-by line at the end of the commit log message using the user and email provided. (format "Name <email@example.com>")
repo-url configure github repository URL. Default process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY
github-graphql-url configure github GraphQL URL. Default https://api.github.com

The command option

Some additional info regarding the command property.

  • github-release: creates GitHub releases (as mentioned here) based on the most recently merged release PR and the release strategy being used.
  • release-pr: uses Conventional Commits to propose a candidate release pull request. This pull request, once merged, is used by github-release/manifest
  • manifest: use source controlled files containing releaser specific configuration (the release-please-config.json) as well package version tracking (the .release-please-manifest.json).
  • manifest-pr: uses the manifest file release-please-config.json to propose a candidate release

Release types supported

Release Please automates releases for the following flavors of repositories:

release type description
elixir An elixir repository with a mix.exs and a CHANGELOG.md
go Go repository, with a CHANGELOG.md
helm A helm chart repository with a Chart.yaml and a CHANGELOG.md
java A strategy that generates SNAPSHOT version after each release
maven Strategy for Maven projects, generates SNAPSHOT version after each release and updates pom.xml automatically
node A Node.js repository, with a package.json and CHANGELOG.md
ocaml An OCaml repository, containing 1 or more opam or esy files and a CHANGELOG.md
python A Python repository, with a setup.py, setup.cfg, version.py and CHANGELOG.md and optionally a pyproject.toml and a <project>/__init__.py
php A php composer package with composer.json and CHANGELOG.md
ruby A Ruby repository, with version.rb and CHANGELOG.md
rust A Rust repository, with a Cargo.toml (either as a crate or workspace) and a CHANGELOG.md
simple A repository with a version.txt and a CHANGELOG.md
terraform-module A terraform module, with a version in the README.md, and a CHANGELOG.md


Properties that are available after the action executed.

output description
release_created true if the release was created, false otherwise
upload_url Directly related to Create a release API
html_url Directly related to Create a release API
tag_name Directly related to Create a release API
major Number representing major semver value
minor Number representing minor semver value
patch Number representing patch semver value
sha sha that a GitHub release was tagged at
pr The PR number of an opened release (undefined if no release created)

How release please works

Release Please automates CHANGELOG generation, the creation of GitHub releases, and version bumps for your projects. Release Please does so by parsing your git history, looking for Conventional Commit messages, and creating release PRs.

What's a Release PR?

Rather than continuously releasing what's landed to your default branch, release-please maintains Release PRs:

These Release PRs are kept up-to-date as additional work is merged. When you're ready to tag a release, simply merge the release PR.

How should I write my commits?

Release Please assumes you are using Conventional Commit messages.

The most important prefixes you should have in mind are:

  • fix: which represents bug fixes, and correlates to a SemVer patch.
  • feat: which represents a new feature, and correlates to a SemVer minor.
  • feat!:, or fix!:, refactor!:, etc., which represent a breaking change (indicated by the !) and will result in a SemVer major.

Overriding the Changelog Sections

To output more commit information in the changelog, a JSON formatted String can be added to the Action using the changelog-types input parameter. This could look something like this:

      - main
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
          release-type: node
          package-name: release-please-action
          changelog-types: '[{"type":"feat","section":"Features","hidden":false},{"type":"fix","section":"Bug Fixes","hidden":false},{"type":"chore","section":"Miscellaneous","hidden":false}]'

Supporting multiple release branches

release-please has the ability to target not default branches. You can even use separate release strategies (release-type). To configure, simply configure multiple workflows that specify a different default-branch:

Configuration for main (default) branch (.github/workflows/release-main.yaml):

      - main
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
          release-type: node
          package-name: release-please-action

Configuration for 1.x (default) branch (.github/workflows/release-1.x.yaml):

      - 1.x
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
          release-type: node
          package-name: release-please-action
          default-branch: 1.x

Automating publication to npm

With a few additions, the Release Please action can be made to publish to npm when a Release PR is merged:

      - main
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
        id: release
          release-type: node
          package-name: test-release-please
      # The logic below handles the npm publication:
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        # these if statements ensure that a publication only occurs when
        # a new release is created:
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: 12
          registry-url: 'https://registry.npmjs.org'
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
      - run: npm ci
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
      - run: npm publish
          NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.NPM_TOKEN}}
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}

So that you can keep 2FA enabled for npm publications, we recommend setting registry-url to your own Wombat Dressing Room deployment.

Creating major/minor tags

If you are using release-please to publish a GitHub action, you will likely want to tag a major and minor tag during a release, i.e., if you are releasing v2.8.3, you will also want to update tags v2 and v2.8. This allows your users to pin to v2, and get updates to your library without updating their workflows.

The release-please-action has the outputs major, minor, and release_created to facilitate this. These outputs can be used conditionally, like so:

      - main
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
        id: release
          release-type: node
          package-name: ${{env.ACTION_NAME}}
          command: github-release
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: tag major and minor versions
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.release_created }}
        run: |
          git config user.name github-actions[bot]
          git config user.email 41898282+github-actions[bot]@users.noreply.github.com
          git remote add gh-token "https://${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}@github.com/google-github-actions/release-please-action.git"
          git tag -d v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }} || true
          git tag -d v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }} || true
          git push origin :v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }} || true
          git push origin :v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }} || true
          git tag -a v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }} -m "Release v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}"
          git tag -a v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }} -m "Release v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }}"
          git push origin v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}
          git push origin v${{ steps.release.outputs.major }}.${{ steps.release.outputs.minor }}

Manifest release output

When using a manifest command the outputs are modified to have a general releases-created value to test if any releases were created. Package specific outputs can be accessed by using the package path prefixed output.

      - main
name: Run Release Please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v2
        id: release
          command: manifest
      - run: echo "A release was created."
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs.releases_created }}
      # For root level packages: ${{ steps.release.outputs.package-a--tag_name }}
      - run: echo "Release ${{ steps.release.outputs['packages/package-a--tag_name'] }} created for package-a."
        if: ${{ steps.release.outputs['packages/package-a--release_created'] }}

Adding additional files

You can update additional files with the extra-files input.

See the generic updater docs for more info on how release-please will update those files.

      - main
name: release-please
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: google-github-actions/release-please-action@v3
          release-type: node
          extra-files: |


Apache Version 2.0


automated releases based on conventional commits

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 100.0%