kamicollo / OpenRadio

Open Radio tracks music listening habits of M1+, a Lithuanian radio station with a good taste.

Home Page:http://ernesta.github.com/OpenRadio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Open Radio tracks music listening habits of M1+, a Lithuanian radio station with a good taste. The Open Radio website displays whatever is currently on air, while Last.fm is used for storing historical data. Open Radio is created and maintained by Ernesta Orlovaitė and Aurimas Račas.

##Code Backend

  • plus.php retrieves the currently playing song from M1+, fetches additional track information from Last.fm, and saves everything to a JSON file.
  • scrobbler.php submits new tracks to Last.fm.
  • classes defines several simple data structures (Album, Artist, Song, and Tag); Last.php is used for preparing and sending requests to Last.fm.
  • constants.php is used for storing global constants, while secrets.php contains Last.fm API_KEY, API_SECRET, and SESSION_KEY.


  • scripts.js periodically processes the JSON file and updates the webpage.


  • Scrobbling to Last.fm is asynchronously performed by Gearman.
  • JavaScript becomes much nicer when used with jQuery.
  • The no-hassle frontend framework of choice: Twitter Bootstrap.


Ernesta Orlovaitė

Aurimas Račas


Open Radio tracks music listening habits of M1+, a Lithuanian radio station with a good taste.



Language:PHP 57.8%Language:HTML 28.5%Language:CSS 8.5%Language:JavaScript 5.1%