kameocode / any-dao

AnyDao is an Kotlin JPA wrapper library which makes your database queries short, clean and easy to read.

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AnyDao is a Kotlin JPA (Java Persistence Api) wrapper library which makes your queries short, clean and easy to read.

  • DSL that is syntactic sugar for JPA criteria builder
  • Shorter and cleaner queries (see examples below)
  • Use of kotlin properties as type-sefe static Metamodel replacement
  • Supports JPA critera update and criteria delete (compatible with JPA 2.1)
  • One-line pagination with forEach, forEachFlat support
  • Type-safe multiselects (Pair, Triple, Quadruple)
  • Using DSL directly with spring data repositories is available with any-dao-spring

AnyDao query (kotlin):

    val results = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) { 
        it[UserODB::email] like "email1" 

Same query, built with jpa criteria builder (plain java):

    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<UserODB> criteriaQuery = cb.createQuery(UserODB.class);
    Root<UserODB> root = criteriaQuery.from(UserODB.class);
    TypedQuery<UserODB> query = em.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
    List<UserODB> result = query.getResultList();

More complicated example - AnyDao query (kotlin):

    val res = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        it[UserODB::task] isIn subqueryFrom(TaskODB::class) {
            it[TaskODB::name] like "task1"
            or {
                it[TaskODB::name] like "task2"
                it[TaskODB::createDateTime] lessThan LocalDateTime.now().minusDays(1)
        it[UserODB::userRole] notEq UserRole.ADMIN

Same query, built with jpa criteria builder (plain java):

    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<UserODB> criteriaQuery = cb.createQuery(UserODB.class);
    Root<UserODB> root = criteriaQuery.from(UserODB.class);
    Subquery<TaskODB> subquery = criteriaQuery.subquery(TaskODB.class);
    Root<TaskODB> taskRoot = subquery.from(TaskODB.class);
            cb.like(taskRoot.get("name"), "task1"),
                cb.like(taskRoot.get("name"), "task2"),
                cb.lessThan(taskRoot.get("createDateTime"), LocalDateTime.now().minusDays(1))
        cb.not(cb.equal(root.get("userRole"), UserRole.ADMIN))
     TypedQuery<UserODB> query = em.createQuery(criteriaQuery);
     List<UserODB> result = query.getResultList();

How to use:

Add to your project maven/gradle dependency:

compile 'com.kameocode:any-dao:1.0.2'

Create instance of AnyDao:

    import com.kameocode.anydao.AnyDao
    val em: EntityManager = ...
    val anyDao = AnyDao(em)

Use like this:

    val results: List<UserODB> = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) { it[UserODB::id] lessThan 10L }  

Example application with SpringBoot can be found at any-dao-example.

There is number of utility methods, most with parameters clz: KClass<E>, query: KRoot<E>.(KRoot<E>) -> (KSelect<RESULT>):

  • anyDao.all
  • anyDao.one
  • anyDao.first
  • anyDao.count
  • anyDao.exists
  • anyDao.allMutable
  • anyDao.update
  • anyDao.remove
  • anyDao.page
  • anyDao.pages

Construct paths using indexed access operator or get methods:

    { it[UserODB::address, AddressODB::city] like "Cracow" }  
    { it.get(UserODB::address).get(AddressODB::city) like "Cracow" }  

If fields are private (or entities were written in plain java), use getter references instead of property references: (UserODB::getEmail instead of UserODB::email)

You can also assign paths and expressions to variables and reference them later:

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        val taskName = it[UserODB::task, TaskODB::name]
        val a = it[UserODB::counter].prod(1)
        val b = it[UserODB::counter].abs()
        val c = taskName.length()
        a eq 1      
        b greatherThan 0     
        c greatherThan 0     

How to

Return other type than in query

Use select as last clause in order to auto detect return type. Below query returns list of Strings:

     val listOfStrings = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        select(it[UserODB::task, TaskODB::name])

Use logical expressions (or/and/not predicates)

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) { 
        or {
            it[UserODB::getAddress, AddressODB::city] like "Cracow"
            it[UserODB::getAddress, AddressODB::city] like "Warsaw"

or shorter:

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) { 
        it[UserODB::getAddress, AddressODB::city] or {
            it like "Cracow"
            it like "Warsaw"

By default, predicates are AND-ed. All predicates applied inside or are OR-ed. For the above example, code will be translated into sql query [...] or (city like 'Cracow' and city like 'Warsaw'). You can also use or without clause, like this:

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) { 
        it[UserODB::getAddress, AddressODB::city] like "Cracow"
        it[UserODB::getAddress, AddressODB::city] like "Warsaw"

Expressions or, and, not can be nested into each other.

Use logical expressions (not predicate)

Add not clause

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        not { it[UserODB::email] like "task1" }

For negating equality, you can use directly:

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        it[UserODB::email] notEq "task1" 

Use arithmetic/string expressions

These expressions should be accessible directly on expression/path elements:

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        it[UserODB::counter].prod(it[UserODB::severity]) eq 1      
        it[UserODB::counter].abs() greatherThan 2     
        it[UserODB::email].length() greatherThan 0     

Use joins

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        it.join(UserODB::task) {
            it[TaskODB::name] like "task1"
    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        it.joinList(UserODB::allTasks) {
            it[TaskODB::name] like "task1"
    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        it.joinMap(UserODB::userRoles) {
            it.key() like "GUEST"
            it.value() like "true"

Use subquery

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        it[UserODB::task] isIn subqueryFrom(TaskODB::class) {
            it[TaskODB::name] like "task1"

Use group by/having

    val listOfPopularTaskNames = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        it.groupBy(it[UserODB::task, TaskODB::name])
        it.having {
            it[UserODB::task, TaskODB::name].count() greaterThan 100L
        select(it[UserODB::task, TaskODB::name])

Perform criteria update query

    val updatedCount = anyDao.update(UserODB::class) {
        it[UserODB::email] = "email0"
        it[UserODB::email] like "email2"

Perform criteria delete query

    val removedCount = anyDao.delete(UserODB::class) { 
        it[UserODB::email] like "email1" 

Apply JPA predicate

    val listOfUsers = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        val root = it.getJpaExpression();
        it predicate { cb -> cb.equal(root.get<String>("email"), "email1") }

Combine query from external predicates

 // define predicates as function literals with receiver of proper type:
 fun KRoot<UserODB>.hasHighCounter(): KSelect<UserODB> {
    return this[UserODB::counter] ge 15
 private fun KRoot<UserODB>.hasEmail1InName() =
     this[UserODB::email] like "%email1%"
 // then use them wherever makes sense:
 val res = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {


    val pagedListOfUsers = anyDao.pages(UserODB::class, KPage(100)) { 
        it[UserODB::email] like "email1" 
    pagedListOfUsers.forEach { list->
        list.forEach { println(it) }
    pagedListOfUsers.forEachFlat {

Typesafe multiselects

    val listOfPairs: List<Pair<TaskODB, String>> = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        select(it[UserODB::task], it[UserODB::email], it[UserODB::id])
    val listOfTriples: List<Triple<TaskODB, String, Long>> = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        select(it[UserODB::task], it[UserODB::email], it[UserODB::id])
    val listOfQuadruples: List<Quadruple<TaskODB, String, Long, Long>> = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
        select(it[UserODB::task], it[UserODB::email], it[UserODB::id], it[UserODB::id])

Return custom DTO

    class UserTaskDTO(val concatenated: String, val userId: Long, val taskName: String)
    val listOfDTOs: List<UserTaskDTO> = anyDao.all(UserODB::class) {
            val taskName = it[UserODB::task, TaskODB::name]

For more examples, see: tests


v 1.0.1

  • AnyDao is now AnyDao
  • added support for pure java classes for anyDao.exist and anyDao.count

v 1.0.2

  • Support for nullable select
  • Page is now KPage


AnyDao is an Kotlin JPA wrapper library which makes your database queries short, clean and easy to read.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Kotlin 96.8%Language:Java 3.2%