kamechb / generic_connection_pool

Always network clients require a connection pool, like database connection, cache connection and others. Generic connection pool can be used with anything. It is extracted from ActiveRecord ConnectionPool, a little changed.Sharing a limited number of network connections among many threads. Connections are created delayed.

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= generic_connection_pool

Always network clients require a connection pool, like database connection, cache connection and others.
Generic connection pool can be used with anything. It is extracted from ActiveRecord ConnectionPool,
a little changed.Sharing a limited number of network connections among many threads.
Connections are created delayed.


Connections can be obtained and used from a connection pool in several

1. Use connection_pool.connection to obtain a connection instance.
 and when you're done with the connection(s) and wish it to be returned
 to the pool, you can call connection_pool.release_connection to release
 connection back to the connection pool.
2. Manually check out a connection from the pool with connection_pool.checkout.
 You are responsible for returning this connection to the pool when
 finished by calling connection_pool.checkin(connection).
3. Use connection_pool.with_connection(&block), which obtains a connection,
 yields it as the sole argument to the block, and returns it to the pool
 after the block completes.

 Connections in the pool may be Adapter instance that should implete methods like
 verify!, disconnect!, active? etc.

== Example
  require 'generic_connection_pool'
  connection_pool = ConnectionPool.new(:size => 5, :timeout => 5) do

  connection = connection_pool.checkout

  connection.with_connection{|connection| do_somting_with_connection}

  Do something in the block, that always create an adapter instance or connect to a server.

  gem install generic_connection_pool

  Kame Chen


Always network clients require a connection pool, like database connection, cache connection and others. Generic connection pool can be used with anything. It is extracted from ActiveRecord ConnectionPool, a little changed.Sharing a limited number of network connections among many threads. Connections are created delayed.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%