kamat900 / zt_rsa

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The ZoTech FPGA-based RSA accelerator speeds-up the Montgomery modular exponentiation operation - the most heavily used operation in RSA algorithms. The accelerator supports a maximum key length of 2048 bits. When implemented as an OpenSSL compliant engine on following platforms the performances achieved are:
Amazon AWS F1 instance: up to 28,000 RSA signs per second vs 4,500 signs per second with SW-only implementation.
Alveo U250 on Nimbix: up to 36,000 RSA signs per second vs 9,000 signs per second with SW-only implementation.

Two basic use cases are presented.

Montgomery Modular Exponentiation direct optimized API

  • To compile this example please execute the following steps:
    cd <path to zt_rsa>/rsa_accel/build/SDx_<platform>
    ./make_host_app.sh This will create a demo executable.
  • To run the example please execute the following steps:
    sudo sh (this step is not needed for Nimbix platform)

OpenSSL compliant Modular Exponentiation engine API
OpenSSL interface to the direct optimized API of the ZoTech RSA accelerator is implemented as an OpenSSL engine shared library ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine.so. The engine replaces int BN_mod_exp(BIGNUM *r, BIGNUM *a, const BIGNUM *p, const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx). The FPGA-based accelerator is invoked automatically each time OpenSSL performs an RSA cryptographic operation using BN_mod_exp(). The example assumes the existence of a compiled and installed OpenSSL v1.1.1a.

  • To compile this example please execute the following steps:
    source <path to zt_rsa>/rsa_accel/build/xilinx_<platform>_run_setup
    cd <path to zt_rsa>/rsa_use/rsa_engine/build
    ./make_<platform>.sh This will create shared library.
    cd <path to zt_rsa>/rsa_use/rsa_sign_demo/build
    ./make.sh This will create a demo executable.
  • To run the example please execute the following steps:
    sudo sh This step is not needed for the Nimbix platform.

The application performs calculations and shows performance measuremens as below:

Overal statistic:

Total time              : 8.34 sec
Average time per sign   : 27.79 us
Average sign per second : 35984

Engine statistic:

Total multiplication performed      : 600000
Total time spent by FPGA            : 6.54 sec
Average time per one multiplication : 10.90 us
Average FPGA load                   : 96.6 %

If you would like to compare the speed with the pure SW implementation, please run run_sw_ssl.sh instead of run_hw_<platform>.sh

Please check ZoTech GitHub repository to get the latest examples and documentation. By default it is clonned to "/home/centos/src/project_data/zt_rsa" directory on AWS and to "/opt/example/zt_rsa" directory on Nimbix.

How to use OpenSSL compliant HW accelerator in your application

To use the ZoTech OpenSSL compliant RSA accelerator as it is, your application should be OpenSSL-based. In case you have a more efficient implementation of RSA, you can replace OpenSSL's functions with your own implementation and call BN_mod_exp() each time you need to invoke the HW accelerator to perform multiplication.

The best performance can be achieved by combining multithread mode with OpenSSL's ASYNC_JOB: the application creates threads and each thread creates some number of ASYNC_JOBs. The recommended number of threads is <number of CPU on F1 instance> - 2

Important note: ZoTech FPGA-based RSA accelerator supports multithreading, but doesn't support multiprocessing. This means that your application can create some number of threads with ASYNC_JOBs and call BN_mod_exp() from these threads and ASYNC_JOBs but can't use fork to duplicate the process

1. Load engine

To load the ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine shared library use OpenSSL's dynamic engine designated to load and link external OpenSSL engines. Do the following steps:

  • ENGINE *e = ENGINE_by_id("dynamic"); - create instance of dynamic engine
  • ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "SO_PATH", "/opt/Zotech_AWS_RSA_Engine.so", 0); - set path to ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine
  • ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "ID" , "zotech_aws_rsa_kernel", 0); - set ID to ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine
  • ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(e, "LOAD" , NULL , 0); - load ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine
  • ENGINE_init(e) - initialize ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine
  • ENGINE_set_default_RSA(e) - set ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine as the default engine for all RSA operation

The complete code example is available in RSA_Sign_Demo.cpp in function main().


OpenSSL ASYNC_JOB permits the optimization of resource utilization by switching between jobs when one needs to wait for data for processing or event. A thread starts ASYNC_JOB and then the job runs until it reaches a point when it needs to wait. At this point the job will pause and the control will return to the thread. A thread could continue to perform its own work and at some point restarts the job as shown in the illustration below:

The BN_mod_exp() implementation in ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine provides the best performance when it is called from ASYNC_JOB. After BN_mod_exp() forwards the data to the FPGA for computation, it pauses the current job and the next job in the same thread can call BN_mod_exp() with its data. Others threads are able to perform the same operations in parallel. This process is illustrated in the image below:

In order to run the RSA using FPGA, define the job's functions to perform the desired type of cryptographic operations. For example, in RSA_Sign_Demo.cpp ASYNC_JOB to perform signing is defined as:

int Sign_Job(void *arg)
  sign_job_arg *a = (sign_job_arg *)arg;

  unsigned int sign_len = KEY_BYTE_SIZE;

  RSA_sign(NID_sha256, a->hash, SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, a->sign,  &sign_len, a->key);

  return 1;

Start and restart jobs in a loop until all jobs complete the desired cryptographic operations. For example:

    int nj = 0;               // Number of completed jobs

    for(int k = 0; k < job_qnt; k++)
        if( job_stat[k] == ASYNC_FINISH )      // If job completed then count it and don't start again
          { nj++; continue; }
                                               // ASYNC_start_job() start or restart job depending on current job status

        job_stat[k] = ASYNC_start_job(&job[k], wctx, &retvalue[k], Sign_Job, (void *)&job_arg[k], sizeof(sign_job_arg));

    if( nj == job_qnt )

3. Get statistics from engine

ZoTech_AWS_RSA_Engine collects information which is useful for performance calculations and during the application optimization process. The engine implements a standard OpenSSL engine interface to collect this information. Commands are defined in RSA_Sign_Demo.h as the following enum:

enum aws_rsa_engine_cmd

The ENGINE_CMD_BASE is an OpenSSL constant.

Command Description
ZTE_CMD_TOTAL_MULT_QNT Return total number of multiplication performed by engine
ZTE_CMD_TOTAL_TIME Return total time spent by FPGA in seconds
ZTE_CMD_AVERAGE_TIME Return average time spent per one multiplication in microseconds
ZTE_CMD_AVERAGE_LOAD Return average FPGA load in percent

All values returned by the engine have type double. To access them, use the following code

double p;

if( ENGINE_ctrl(e, ZTE_CMD_TOTAL_MULT_QNT, sizeof(double), &p, NULL) )  
  printf("Total multiplication performed      : %d\n"       , (int)p );

if( ENGINE_ctrl(e, ZTE_CMD_TOTAL_TIME    , sizeof(double), &p, NULL) )  
  printf("Total time spent by FPGA            : %3.2f sec\n", p );

if( ENGINE_ctrl(e, ZTE_CMD_AVERAGE_TIME  , sizeof(double), &p, NULL) )  
  printf("Average time per one multiplication : %3.2f us\n" , p );

if( ENGINE_ctrl(e, ZTE_CMD_AVERAGE_LOAD  , sizeof(double), &p, NULL) )
  printf("Average FPGA load                   : %3.1f %%\n" , p*100.0 );

For more information please visit http://zotechgroup.com or contact by email info@zotechgroup.com



Language:C++ 93.1%Language:C 3.6%Language:Shell 3.3%