kalliste / thecargomother

Code for the Houston CORE 2013 Burning Man Project: The Cargo Mother

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Code for the Houston CORE 2013 Burning Man Project: The Cargo Mother


On the arduino side the code from The Spheric Time Prism should work nearly unmodified

The PC side will be all written in python unless we write any custom video effects in C

For video playback and compositing we'll use veejay

For DMX lighting control we'll use OLA


This table covers info on our options

The microntroller for Spheric Time Prism was the Arduino Mega 2560 and that is a good choice here

The Hackberry A10 is $65, has a fast cpu, and composite video output. Some hacking may be required to use the gpu acceleration available with the open source driver We'll also need a suitable output cable

Veejay only works with I-frames so hardware video decoding is useless for us


enc.sh - encode videos for use with veejay

test-veejay-play.py - initial test of sending commands to veejay


Code for the Houston CORE 2013 Burning Man Project: The Cargo Mother


Language:C 83.7%Language:Python 13.9%Language:Arduino 1.4%Language:Shell 0.9%