kalepail / KALE-farmer

Repository from Github https://github.comkalepail/KALE-farmerRepository from Github https://github.comkalepail/KALE-farmer

KALE Farmer

Step 1: Install Rust


Step 2: Run make build

Step 3: Install Bun


Step 4: Run bun install

Step 5: Run bun run farm

Optional if you want to contribute to the project

Install the Stellar CLI


Add a mainnet network to the Stellar CLI

stellar network add mainnet \
    --rpc-url "https://mainnet.sorobanrpc.com" \
    --network-passphrase "Public Global Stellar Network ; September 2015" \

Build the kale-sc-sdk

make bindings-mainnet

# 1. this builds `kale-sc-sdk__raw`
# 2. copy `./bun_scripts/kale-sc-sdk__raw/src/index.ts` to `./bun_scripts/kale-sc-sdk/src/index.ts`

Once you've done steps 1 and 2 above

cd ./bun_scripts/kale-sc-sdk
bun run build
cd ..
bun install --force



Language:TypeScript 91.5%Language:Rust 7.5%Language:Makefile 0.8%Language:JavaScript 0.2%