kakwok / BHMacros_II

Macros to process BHnTuples

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#BHMacros II ##1) Create one big ntuple! (Faster than TChains) Use hadd to combine all the data ntuples. For example:

eosmount ~/eos
hadd allMyData.root ~/eos/cms/store/group/phys_exotica/BH_RunII/Data/BH_Ntuples_Run2015CreMiniAODv1_28Nov15/* ~/eos/cms/store/group/phys_exotica/BH_RunII/Data/BH_Ntuples_Run2015DreMiniAODv1_27Nov15/* ~/eos/cms/store/group/phys_exotica/BH_RunII/Data/BH_Ntuples_Run2015DpmptRecov4_27Nov15/*

##2) Make one big MET filtering list! Visit the MET twiki: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/MissingETOptionalFiltersRun2#Event_Lists Download the JetHT MET filtering lists, put them in a convenient directory, untar them, and then use cat to combine them, e.g.:

tar -xzvf JetHT_Nov14.tar.gz
cat JetHT_ecalscn1043093.txt JetHT_csc2015.txt > allMyMETfilteredEvents.txt

##3) Run the flatTuplizer in compiled mode! The BHflatTuplizer takes three arguments:

  • the name of your input BH ntuple (e.g. the one you hadded in step 1)
  • the name you want for your output files
  • the name of your MET filtering list

Run it with the -q option (to close ROOT once the process is finished), the -l option (to get rid of that silly splash), and the + option at the end of the name of the macro to run in compiled mode (this makes it go faster.)


root -l -q 'BHflatTuplizer.cc+("allMyData.root","myBHflatTuple.root","allMyMETfilteredEvents.txt")'

##4) Define your fitting and normalization regions! You will need to create a text file to define your fit ranges and it should look something like this:

FitRange,  exc,  2,  1300, 3000
FitRange,  exc,  3,  1300, 3000
NormRange, inc,  2,  2000, 2300
NormRange, exc,  2,  2000, 2300
NormRange, inc,  3,  2000, 2300

Don't worry about whitespace, but make sure your commas are the same as above. ##5) Fit the ST distributions and make tables for the combine tool! fitSThists.py takes four arguments:

  • the name of your input BH flatTuple (e.g. the one you made in step 3)
  • the name you want for your output files
  • the name of the textfile of your fit and normalization regions
  • either "useMET" or "useMHT" to select ST distributions that incorporate either MET or MHT.

Run it with the -b option to suppress pyroot's frenzied flashing plots.


python fitSThists.py myBHflatTuple.root myOutputFile.root myFitAndNormRanges.txt useMET -b

Your output histograms and textfiles for the combine tool will appear in the output directory. i.e.

mkdir ./output


Macros to process BHnTuples


Language:Python 70.0%Language:C++ 29.1%Language:Shell 0.9%