kajalpandey25 / Image-Explorer

Welcome to the Image Explorer! Immerse yourself in a visually captivating experience where you can explore, search, and filter a diverse collection of images. From stunning landscapes to creative artworks, the Image Explorer offers a dynamic platform to satisfy your visual curiosity.

Home Page:https://my-image-collection.netlify.app/

Repository from Github https://github.comkajalpandey25/Image-ExplorerRepository from Github https://github.comkajalpandey25/Image-Explorer


Welcome to the Image Explorer! Immerse yourself in a visually captivating experience where you can explore, search, and filter a diverse collection of images. From stunning landscapes to creative artworks, the Image Explorer offers a dynamic platform to satisfy your visual curiosity.


  • Explore: Dive into a vast collection of images spanning various themes and genres.
  • Search: Utilize the powerful search functionality to find images of your choice.
  • Color Filtering: Filter images by color properties to create visually appealing combinations.
  • Categories: Discover images by categories such as 'backgrounds', 'nature', 'science', and more.
  • Responsive: Enjoy the seamless experience on different devices with responsive design.
  • Built with ReactJS: Crafted using ReactJS for interactive user interfaces.
  • API Integration: Utilizes the Pixabay API to fetch images.


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 1

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository: git clone https://github.com/kajalpandey25/Image-Explorer.git

  2. Install Dependencies: npm install

    1. Add your Pixabay API Key: Open src/App.js and replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with your Pixabay API key. You can generate an API key by signing up on Pixabay.
  3. Start Development: npm run dev

  4. Access the Gallery: Open your browser and visit the provided URL.


Welcome to the Image Explorer! Immerse yourself in a visually captivating experience where you can explore, search, and filter a diverse collection of images. From stunning landscapes to creative artworks, the Image Explorer offers a dynamic platform to satisfy your visual curiosity.



Language:JavaScript 69.2%Language:CSS 26.8%Language:HTML 4.0%