kaiyuanwang / ansible_aws_test

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1. AWS EC2 bootstraps

Manually build EC2 control and slave servers with bootstraps and scripts after init. Build one control server and multiple slave servers in AWS for ansible test.


2. AWS Cloudformations

Use AWS cloudformation to build 1 control and multiple slaves for ansible test, docker and serverless platforms.



1. S3 bucket with pem file, packages, applications
2. IAM role for S3 access
3. Security group for My IP access only
4. Building of control server depends on successful built of slave servers


1. build 1 control server and 2 slave servers with all application dependency packages 
2. On control, install ansible, git, copy applicaiton packages from private s3 bucket
3. Use pem file from private s3 bucket for passwordless connections between all servers. 
change to rsa pair for enhanced security later.
4. Update contorl /etc/hosts with slave IPs
5. Need to update security group to allow laptop ip access
6. Use AWS cfn-init for cloudformation metadata control
7. Control server building depends on slave servers. Automatically roll back if control built fails.
8. Output server public IPs in cloudformation Output

3. Boto3 management for AWS Cloudformation.

Create, describe and delete AWS CloudFormation Stackes using boto3.



pip install requests
pip install boto3
    IAM -> USERS -> Add user
    aws configure -> access key + secret key
	aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
	aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_KEY
pip install awscli
pip install yaml
pip install json


1. Create, describe and delete AWS CloudFormation Stackes using boto3.
2. Provide local IP address to enable EC2 access to local laptop only. 
3. When creating stacks, if not provided, stack name will be appended with current timestamp.
4. Describe stack will generate Xshell access config file for stacks in "CREATE_COMPLETE" status.
5. Describe stack will show stack information until "DELETE_COMPLETE".
6. Delete stack will delete Xshell access config file of the stack.
7. Serialize stack info data to cfn-StackInfo.json.
8. Serialize stack parameters to cfn-parameters.json with local ip information.
9. Xshell connect to control server when using describe.

4. Troposphere AWS template generator.

Python script to generate cloudformations templates for ansible, serverless, docker, rfb stack types



pip install troposphere


1. Create AWS cloudformation template using Troposphere
2. Use pem file from private s3 bucket for passwordless connections between all servers.
3. Support stack types of ansible, serverless, docker, rfb
4. Support cloudformation elements of Version, Mapping, Description, 
Parameter, SecrurityGroup, Instance, Metadata, Userdata, DependsOn etc.