kaiyeh0913 / Deformation-transfer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Installing dependencies:
Assume $basedir is some directory where you're going to check out the
source code.
* cd $basedir
* git clone --recursive https://github.com/sidch/TheaDepsUnix   (Thea
depends on Boost etc whic
h are all here)
* cd TheaDepsUnix/Source
* sudo ./install-defaults.sh --with-wxwidgets --use-root --user
<your-username> --prefix /usr/local -j4
(Replace 4 with the actual number of hardware threads on your system,
typically 2, 4, or 8.)
This will install some libraries by compiling them from source and placing
the result in $prefix, and some libraries with apt-get. Carefully check for
errors (warnings are generally ok). If there are errors, you probably need
to explicitly install some third-party libraries/tools -- see the error
messages -- and rerun the command. Make sure there are no errors in the

Installing the Thea library and bundled tools:
* cd $basedir
* git clone --recursive https://github.com/sidch/Thea
* cd Thea/Code/Build
* cmake .
* Put the Register.cpp file into Thea/Code/Source/Tools/Register/ folder and replace the original file
* make -j4
* make TheaTools -j4
* sudo make install    (puts core Thea libs and headers in /usr/local)
Again check for errors.

This should put a program called Browse3D in
$basedir/Thea/Code/Build/Output/bin. You can use it to view 3D files. Run
it to make sure everything is working properly: try "Browse3D
Ping me if/when you have problems with any step above. Remember that some
CMake dependency search errors require you to delete the cache
(CMakeCache.txt) and rerun CMake after you install new libraries.

* sudo apt-get install doxygen
* cd Thea/Code/Documentation
* doxygen
* gopen html/index.html

Runnning :

souce mesh : source.off
souce deformed mesh : source_deformed.off
target mesh : target.off
target deformed mesh : target_deformed.off

0) Clone http://github.com/sidch/DGP and copy the DGP/DGP subfolder to src/

1) Open the source and target meshes by running Browse3D tool in Thea/Code/Build/Output/bin
	and select about 70-80 marker points marking corresponding points from both the meshes.
	This will generate 2 files source.picked and target.picked

	Remove the first line of both source.picked and target.picked files
	./markers source
	./markers target
	This will bring the .picked files in correct format

3) Put the source.picked and target.picked files in the same folder containing the meshes

4) Run
   ./run.sh source.off source_deformed.off target.off <numpoints>

	<numpoints> is no. of points to sample from source.off which can be around half the no. of faces of source.off for high resolution meshes



Language:C++ 92.8%Language:Python 4.1%Language:Shell 1.6%Language:Makefile 1.4%