kaix90 / learning-compressible-subspaces

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Learning Compressible Subspaces

This is the official code release for our publication, LCS: Learning Compressible Subspaces for Adaptive Network Compression at Inference Time. Our code is used to train and evaluate models that can be compressed in real-time after deployment, allowing for a fine-grained efficiency-accuracy trade-off.

This repository hosts code to train compressible subspaces for structured sparsity, unstructured sparsity, and quantization. We support three architectures: cPreResNet20, ResNet18, and VGG19. Training is performed on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets.

Default training configurations are provided in the configs folder. Note that they are automatically altered when different models and datasets are chosen through flags. See training_params.py. The following training parameter flags are available to all training regimes:

  • --model: Specifies the model to use. One of cpreresnet20, resnet18, or vgg19.
  • --dataset: Specifies the dataset to train on. One of cifar10 or imagenet.
  • --imagenet_dir: When using imagenet dataset, the directory to the dataset must be specified.
  • --method: Specifies the training method. For unstructured sparsity, one of target_topk, lcs_l, lcs_p. For structured sparsity, one of lec, ns, us, lcs_l, lcs_p. For quantized models, one of target_bit_width, lcs_l, lcs_p.
  • --norm: The normalization layers to use. One of IN (instance normalization), BN (batch normalization), or GN (group normalization).
  • --epochs: The number of epochs to train for.
  • --learning_rate: The optimizer learning rate.
  • --batch_size: Training and test batch sizes.
  • --momentum: The optimizer momentum.
  • --weight_decay: The L2 regularization weight.
  • --warmup_budget: The percentage of epochs to use for the training method warmup phase.
  • --test_freq: The number of training epochs to wait between test evaluation. Will also save models at this frequency.

The "lcs_l" training method refers to the "LCS+L" method in the paper. In this setting, we train a linear subspace where one end is optimized for efficiency, while the other end prioritizes accuracy. The "lcs_p" training method refers to the "LCS+P" in the paper and trains a degenerate subspace conditioned to perform at arbitrary sparsity rates in the unstructured and structured sparsity settings, or bit widths in the quantized setting.

Structured Sparsity

In the structured sparsity setting, we support five training methods:

  1. "lcs_l" -- This refers to the LCS+L method where one end of the linear subspace performs at high sparsity rates while the other performs at zero sparsity.
  2. "lcs_p" -- This refers to the LCS+P method where we train a degenerate subspace conditioned to perform at arbitrary sparsity rates.
  3. "lec" -- This refers to the method introduced in "Learning Efficient Convolutional Networks through Network Slimming" by Liu et al. (2017). We do not perform fine-tuning, as described in our paper.
  4. "ns" -- This refers to the method introduced in "Slimmable Neural Networks" by Yu et al. (2018). We use a single BatchNorm to allow for evaluation at arbitrary width factors, as decribed in our paper.
  5. "us" -- This refers to the method introduced in "Universally Slimmable Networks and Improved Training Techniques" by Yu & Huang (2019). We do not recalibrate BatchNorms (to facilitate on-device compression to arbitrary widths), as described in our paper.

Training a model in the structured sparsity setting can be accomplished by running the following command:

python train_structured.py

By default, the command above will train the cPreResNet20 architecture on CIFAR-10 using instance normalization layers with the LCS+L method. To specify the model, dataset, normalization, and training method, the flags --model, --dataset, --norm, --method can be used. The following command

python train_structured.py --model resnet18 --dataset imagenet --norm IN --method lcs_p --imagenet_dir

will train a ResNet18 point subspace (LCS+P) on ImageNet using instance normalization layers and the parameters from our paper.

In addition to the global flags above, the structured setting also has the following:

  • --width_factors_list: When training using the "ns" method, this sets the width factors at which the model will be trained.
  • --width_factor_limits: When training using the "us", "lcs_l", or "lcs_p" methods, sets the lower and upper width factor limits.
  • --width_factor_samples: When training using the "us", "lcs_l", or "lcs_p" methods, sets the number of samples to use for the sandwich rule. Two of these will be the samples from the width factor limits.
  • --eval_width_factors: Sets the width factors to evaluate the model for all training methods.

The command

python train_structured.py --model cpreresnet20 --dataset cifar10 --norm BN --method ns --width_factors_list 0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0

will train a cPreResNet20 architecture on CIFAR-10 via the NS method.

Unstructured Sparsity

In the unstructured sparsity setting, we support three training methods:

  1. "lcs_l" -- This refers to the LCS+L method where one end of the linear subspace performs at high sparsity rates while the other performs at zero sparsity.
  2. "lcs_p" -- This refers to the LCS+P method where we train a degenerate subspace conditioned to perform at arbitrary sparsity rates.
  3. "target_topk" -- this will train a network optimized to perform well at a specified TopK target.

Training a model in the unstructured sparsity setting can be accomplished by running the following command:

python train_unstructured.py

By default, the command above will train the cPreResNet20 architecture on CIFAR-10 using group normalization layers with the LCS+L method and the parameters used described in our paper. To specify the model, dataset, normalization, and training method, the flags --model, --dataset, --norm, --method can be used. The following command

python train_unstructured.py --model resnet18 --dataset imagenet --norm GN --method lcs_p --imagenet_dir

will train a ResNet18 point subspace (LCS+P) on ImageNet using group normalization layers again using the parameters from our paper.

The command

python train_unstructured.py --model resnet18 --dataset imagenet --method target_topk --topk 0.5 --imagenet_dir

will train a VGG19 architecture optimized to perform at a TopK value of 0.5.

In addition to the global flags above, the unstructured setting also has the following:

  • --topk: When training using the "target_topk" method, this sets the target TopK value.
  • --eval_topk_grid: Will evaluate the model at these TopK values.
  • '--topk_lower_bound': The lower bound TopK value (1-sparsity) to be used for training. For linear subspaces, one end of the line will be optimized for sparsity 1-topk_lower_bound which corresponds to the high accuracy endpoint. Note: If specified, eval_topk_grid must be specified as well.
  • '--topk_upper_bound': The upper bound TopK value (1-sparsity) to be used for training. For linear subspaces, one end of the line will be optimized for sparsity 1-topk_upper_bound which corresponds to the high efficiency endpoint. Note: If specified, eval_topk_grid must be specified as well.

The following command

python train_unstructured.py --model cpreresnet20 --dataset cifar10 --norm GN --method lcs_p --topk_lower_bound 0.005 --topk_upper_bound 0.05 --eval_topk_grid 0.005,0.01,0.015,0.02,0.025,0.03,0.035,0.04,0.045,0.05

will train a point subspace with high sparsity.


In the quantized setting, we support three training methods:

  1. "lcs_l" -- This refers to the LCS+L method where one end of the linear subspace performs at a low bit width while the other performs at a hight bit width.
  2. "lcs_p" -- This refers to the LCS+P method where we train a degenerate subspace conditioned to perform at arbitrary bit widths in a range.
  3. "target_bit_width" -- This trains a network optimized to perform at a specified bit width.

Training a model in the structured sparsity setting can be accomplished by running the following command:

python train_quantized.py

By default, the command above will train the cPreResNet20 architecture on CIFAR-10 using group normalization layers with the LCS+L method with a bit range [3,8]. To specify the model, dataset, normalization, and training method, the flags --model, --dataset, --norm, --method can be used. The following command

python train_quantized.py --model vgg19 --dataset imagenet --norm GN --method lcs_p --imagenet_dir

will train a ResNet18 point subspace (LCS+P) on ImageNet using group normalization layers.

In addition to the global flags above, the quantized setting also has the following:

  • --bit_width: When training using the "target_bit_width" method, this sets the target bit width.
  • --eval_bit_widths: Will evaluate models at these bit widths.
  • --bit_width_limits: This sets the upper and lower bit width bounds to use for training.

The following command

python train_quantized.py --model cpreresnet20 --dataset cifar10 --norm GN --method lcs_l --bit_width_limits 3,8 --eval_bit_widths 3,4,5,6,7,8

will train a linear subspace cPreResNet20 model with GN layers on the ImageNet dataset and will be optimized so that one end of the line performs at 3 bits, and the other at 8.




Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%