kaio6fellipe / nmap-python

An optimized way to use Masscan and Nmap with Python

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I end up wasting a lot of time doing long and detailed scans with nmap, but in the end they were needed.

To get rid of this problem, I needed to be very accurate with what I was supposed to scan. A good way to speed up this process would be to extract a list of open ports and then scan these ports with the full scan to get all the details that I needed.

To do this, run masscan, get the list of open ports, and run a full scan with nmap. If masscan has a problem, run nmap's fast scan, get the list of open ports, and run a full scan later. See Details and Example to see how it works with this code.


Install some Python packages:

pip install netifaces
pip install python-nmap
pip install python-masscan


The python_masscan.py file contains 1 usable function:

  • masscanProcess
    • This function receives a string with the host IP or DNS
    • The scan will start executing this argument in masscan : --max-rate 1000 --adpter-ip (your ip)
    • When the scan is finished, some information will be displayed on the screen
    • This function will return the dictionary generated by the scan and a string containing all the open ports in the host separated with a comma
    • Output example:
      nmap-python on ξ‚  main [!] via 🐍 v2.7.18 took 1m9s 
      ❯ sudo /bin/python3 /home/kaio/Documentos/nmap-python/example.py
      [*] MasScan:
      [*] ----------------------------------------------------
      [*] IP:
      [*] Protocol : tcp
      [*] port : 53   state : open
      [*] port : 5900 state : open
      [*] port : 514  state : open
      [*] port : 6000 state : open
      [*] port : 8180 state : open
      [*] port : 445  state : open
      [*] port : 22   state : open
      [*] port : 80   state : open
      [*] port : 23   state : open
      [*] port : 25   state : open
      [*] port : 2049 state : open
      [*] port : 8009 state : open
      [*] port : 1524 state : open
      [*] port : 512  state : open
      [*] port : 2121 state : open
      [*] port : 3306 state : open
      [*] port : 513  state : open
      [*] port : 139  state : open
      [*] port : 21   state : open
      [*] port : 111  state : open
      [*] port : 5432 state : open
      [*] port : 1099 state : open
      [*] port : 6667 state : open
      [*] MasScan execution time: 23.2347 s

The python_nmap.py file contains 3 usable functions:

  • nmapFastScanProcess
    • This function receives a string with the host IP or DNS
    • The scan will start executing this argument in nmap: -A -T5
    • When the scan is finished, some information will be displayed on the screen
    • This function will return the dictionary generated by the scan and a string containing all the open ports in the host separated with a comma
    • Output example:
      nmap-python on ξ‚  main [!] via 🐍 v2.7.18 took 59s 
      ❯ sudo /bin/python3 /home/kaio/Documentos/nmap-python/example.py
      [*] Nmap:
      [*] ----------------------------------------------------
      [*] IP :
      [*] port : 21   state : open
      [*] port : 22   state : open
      [*] port : 23   state : open
      [*] port : 25   state : open
      [*] port : 53   state : open
      [*] port : 80   state : open
      [*] port : 111  state : open
      [*] port : 139  state : open
      [*] port : 445  state : open
      [*] port : 512  state : open
      [*] port : 513  state : open
      [*] port : 514  state : open
      [*] port : 1099 state : open
      [*] port : 1524 state : open
      [*] port : 2049 state : open
      [*] port : 2121 state : open
      [*] port : 3306 state : open
      [*] port : 5432 state : open
      [*] port : 5900 state : open
      [*] port : 6000 state : open
      [*] port : 6667 state : open
      [*] port : 8009 state : open
      [*] port : 8180 state : open
      [*] Nmap fast scan execution time: 36.2570 s
  • nmapCompleteScanProcess
    • This function receives two strings with the host IP or DNS and a port list
    • The scan will start executing this argument in nmap: -p (port_list) -O -sT -sV -sC -A -T5
    • When the scan is finished, some information will be displayed on the screen
    • This function will return the dictionary generated by the scan
    • Output example:
      nmap-python on ξ‚  main [!] via 🐍 v2.7.18 took 59s 
      ❯ sudo /bin/python3 /home/kaio/Documentos/nmap-python/example.py
      [*] Details:
      [*] ----------------------------------------------------
      [*] Hostname : 
      [*] State : up
      [*] OS guess: Linux 2.6.9 - 2.6.33      , accuracy: 100
      [*] Last boot: Tue Dec 21 19:06:08 2021
      [*] ----------------------------------------------------
      [*] Protocol : tcp
      [*] port : 21   state : open    service : ftp           product : vsftpd 2.3.4 
      [*] port : 22   state : open    service : ssh           product : OpenSSH 4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1 protocol 2.0
      [*] port : 23   state : open    service : telnet                product : Linux telnetd  
      [*] port : 25   state : open    service : smtp          product : Postfix smtpd  
      [*] port : 53   state : open    service : domain                product : ISC BIND 9.4.2 
      [*] port : 80   state : open    service : http          product : Apache httpd 2.2.8 (Ubuntu) DAV/2
      [*] port : 111  state : open    service : rpcbind               product :  2 RPC #100000
      [*] port : 139  state : open    service : netbios-ssn           product : Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X workgroup: WORKGROUP
      [*] port : 445  state : open    service : netbios-ssn           product : Samba smbd 3.X - 4.X workgroup: WORKGROUP
      [*] port : 512  state : open    service : exec          product : netkit-rsh rexecd  
      [*] port : 513  state : open    service : login         product : OpenBSD or Solaris rlogind  
      [*] port : 514  state : open    service : tcpwrapped            product :   
      [*] port : 1099 state : open    service : java-rmi              product : GNU Classpath grmiregistry  
      [*] port : 1524 state : open    service : bindshell             product : Metasploitable root shell  
      [*] port : 2049 state : open    service : nfs           product :  2-4 RPC #100003
      [*] port : 2121 state : open    service : ftp           product : ProFTPD 1.3.1 
      [*] port : 3306 state : open    service : mysql         product : MySQL 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5 
      [*] port : 5432 state : open    service : postgresql            product : PostgreSQL DB 8.3.0 - 8.3.7 
      [*] port : 5900 state : open    service : vnc           product : VNC  protocol 3.3
      [*] port : 6000 state : open    service : X11           product :   access denied
      [*] port : 6667 state : open    service : irc           product : UnrealIRCd  
      [*] port : 8009 state : open    service : ajp13         product : Apache Jserv  Protocol v1.3
      [*] port : 8180 state : open    service : http          product : Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine 1.1 
      [*] Nmap complete scan execution time: 36.3461 s
  • nmapCustomScanProcess
    • This function receives 3 parameters, 1 host IP or DNS, 1 string with the custom nmap argument and 1 port to scan
    • The scan will start executing the following argument -p (port) (custom argument)
    • This function will return the dictionary generated by the scan and an summary dictionary, with the main information extracted


I usually use these functions like that:

import python_masscan
import python_nmap

# Setting the target
host = ''

# Try, Except to execute masscan first, if it fails for some reason, execute nmap fast scan instead
    # Extracting the dictionary and the list of ports from the masscan module
    scan_ms, port_list_ms = python_masscan.masscanProcess(host)
    # Extracting the dictionary from the nmap module, passing the port list from the masscan module
    complete_scan = python_nmap.nmapCompleteScanProcess(host, port_list_ms)
    # Extracting the dicionary and the list os ports from the nmap module
    scan_nm, port_list_nm = python_nmap.nmapFastScanProcess(host)
    # Extracting the dictionary from the nmap module, passing the port list from the nmap module
    complete_scan = python_nmap.nmapCompleteScanProcess(host, port_list_nm)

# Printing the dictionary

This example will generate the following output after the scan that I did on the metasploitable machine:

      "command_line":"nmap -oX - -p 514,1524,1099,21,6000,6667,445,512,111,139,53,22,25,23,2121,5900,5432,3306,513,8009,80,2049,8180 -O -sT -sV -sC -A -T5",
         "timestr":"Tue Dec 21 19:13:38 2021",
            "08:00:27:62:D8:33":"Oracle VirtualBox virtual NIC"
            "lastboot":"Tue Dec 21 19:06:08 2021"
                  "ftp-anon":"Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)",
                  "ftp-syst":"\n  STAT: \nFTP server status:\n     Connected to\n     Logged in as ftp\n     TYPE: ASCII\n     No session bandwidth limit\n     Session timeout in seconds is 300\n     Control connection is plain text\n     Data connections will be plain text\n     vsFTPd 2.3.4 - secure, fast, stable\nEnd of status"
               "version":"4.7p1 Debian 8ubuntu1",
               "extrainfo":"protocol 2.0",
                  "ssh-hostkey":"\n  1024 60:0f:cf:e1:c0:5f:6a:74:d6:90:24:fa:c4:d5:6c:cd (DSA)\n  2048 56:56:24:0f:21:1d:de:a7:2b:ae:61:b1:24:3d:e8:f3 (RSA)"
               "product":"Linux telnetd",
               "product":"Postfix smtpd",
                  "smtp-commands":"metasploitable.localdomain, PIPELINING, SIZE 10240000, VRFY, ETRN, STARTTLS, ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES, 8BITMIME, DSN, ",
                  "ssl-date":"2021-12-21T22:13:22+00:00; -2s from scanner time.",
                  "sslv2":"\n  SSLv2 supported\n  ciphers: \n    SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5\n    SSL2_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5\n    SSL2_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5\n    SSL2_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5\n    SSL2_RC4_128_WITH_MD5\n    SSL2_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5"
               "product":"ISC BIND",
                  "dns-nsid":"\n  bind.version: 9.4.2"
               "product":"Apache httpd",
               "extrainfo":"(Ubuntu) DAV/2",
                  "http-server-header":"Apache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) DAV/2",
                  "http-title":"Metasploitable2 - Linux"
               "extrainfo":"RPC #100000",
               "product":"Samba smbd",
               "version":"3.X - 4.X",
               "extrainfo":"workgroup: WORKGROUP",
               "product":"Samba smbd",
               "version":"3.X - 4.X",
               "extrainfo":"workgroup: WORKGROUP",
               "product":"netkit-rsh rexecd",
               "product":"GNU Classpath grmiregistry",
               "product":"Metasploitable root shell",
               "extrainfo":"RPC #100003",
                  "mysql-info":"\n  Protocol: 10\n  Version: 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5\n  Thread ID: 11\n  Capabilities flags: 43564\n  Some Capabilities: SupportsCompression, Support41Auth, SupportsTransactions, SwitchToSSLAfterHandshake, Speaks41ProtocolNew, ConnectWithDatabase, LongColumnFlag\n  Status: Autocommit\n  Salt: Tg(-Jmf:,kZbZ!0lQ1B6"
               "product":"PostgreSQL DB",
               "version":"8.3.0 - 8.3.7",
                  "ssl-date":"2021-12-21T22:13:22+00:00; -2s from scanner time."
               "extrainfo":"protocol 3.3",
                  "vnc-info":"\n  Protocol version: 3.3\n  Security types: \n    VNC Authentication (2)"
               "extrainfo":"access denied",
                  "irc-info":"\n  users: 1\n  servers: 1\n  lusers: 1\n  lservers: 0\n  server: irc.Metasploitable.LAN\n  version: Unreal3.2.8.1. irc.Metasploitable.LAN \n  uptime: 0 days, 0:11:54\n  source ident: nmap\n  source host: 37B90734.F0D9233E.FFFA6D49.IP\n  error: Closing Link: jfcsgrgdq[] (Quit: jfcsgrgdq)"
               "product":"Apache Jserv",
               "extrainfo":"Protocol v1.3",
                  "ajp-methods":"Failed to get a valid response for the OPTION request"
               "product":"Apache Tomcat/Coyote JSP engine",
                  "http-favicon":"Apache Tomcat",
                  "http-title":"Apache Tomcat/5.5"
               "output":"mean: -2s, deviation: 0s, median: -2s"
               "output":"ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)"
               "output":"NetBIOS name: METASPLOITABLE, NetBIOS user: <unknown>, NetBIOS MAC: <unknown> (unknown)"
               "output":"ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)"
               "output":"ERROR: Script execution failed (use -d to debug)"
               "output":"Protocol negotiation failed (SMB2)"
               "name":"Linux 2.6.9 - 2.6.33",
                     "type":"general purpose",


An optimized way to use Masscan and Nmap with Python


License:MIT License


Language:Python 82.6%Language:HTML 17.4%