kaien125 / GatedCRFLoss

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Gated CRF Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation

This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of the method described in the paper Gated CRF Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation.


Left to right: original image from Pascal VOC validation set, and semantic segmentation predictions, made by models trained with full, scribbles, and clicks supervision respectively. The proposed Gated CRF loss is a step towards bridging the gap between weak and full supervision.


The main components are:

  • The proposed loss function, implemented as torch.nn.Module;
  • Pascal VOC dataset loader extended with extra modalities for weak supervision - clicks and scribbles;
  • CityScapes dataset loader extended with synthetic clicks;
  • DeepLab v3+ with ResNet backbones as a dense prediction model;
  • Training code based on pytorch-lightning framework.

Installation and Datasets

First, clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/toshas/GatedCRFLoss   
cd GatedCRFLoss 

Create and activate a new virtual environment, and install dependencies into it:

python -m venv ~/<envname>
source ~/<envname>/bin/activate
pip install .

Pascal VOC dataset and its other modalities are downloaded for the first time and reused later, which is handled by torchvision. The command line argument dataset_root should tell where to store dataset if dataset_download argument is specified, or where to look for it otherwise.

Experiments with CityScapes dataset require setting dataset_root to a root directory containing a manually downloaded copy of the dataset.

All weak annotations for both datasets are provided and looked for in the datasets directory of this repository.


To train the model use the following command line template:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<gpu_ids> python scripts/train.py <arguments>    


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 ./scripts/train.py 
    --aug_input_crop_size 256 
    --aug_geom_validation_center_crop_sts True
    --batch_size 48 
    --datasets_dir /tmp/voc 
    --dataset voc 
    --log_dir . 
    --loss_cross_entropy_class_weights_sts True 
    --loss_cross_entropy_modality semseg_clicks 
    --loss_gatedcrf_sts True 
    --loss_gatedcrf_resolution 64 

Command Line Arguments

usage: train.py [-h] 
                --log_dir LOG_DIR 
                --datasets_dir DATASETS_DIR 
                --dataset {voc,cs} 
                [--dataset_download DATASET_DOWNLOAD]
                [--workers WORKERS] 
                [--workers_validation WORKERS_VALIDATION]
                [--num_batches_train_total NUM_BATCHES_TRAIN_TOTAL]
                [--num_batches_validation_step NUM_BATCHES_VALIDATION_STEP]
                --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                [--batch_size_validation BATCH_SIZE_VALIDATION]
                --aug_input_crop_size AUG_INPUT_CROP_SIZE
                [--aug_geom_scale_min AUG_GEOM_SCALE_MIN]
                [--aug_geom_scale_max AUG_GEOM_SCALE_MAX]
                [--aug_geom_tilt_max_deg AUG_GEOM_TILT_MAX_DEG]
                [--aug_geom_wiggle_max_ratio AUG_GEOM_WIGGLE_MAX_RATIO]
                [--aug_geom_reflect AUG_GEOM_REFLECT]
                --aug_geom_validation_center_crop_sts AUG_GEOM_VALIDATION_CENTER_CROP_STS
                [--aug_geom_validation_center_crop_size AUG_GEOM_VALIDATION_CENTER_CROP_SIZE]
                [--aug_semseg_weak_stroke_width AUG_SEMSEG_WEAK_STROKE_WIDTH]
                [--optimizer {sgd,adam}] 
                [--optimizer_kwargs OPTIMIZER_KWARGS]
                [--lr_scheduler {poly}]
                [--lr_scheduler_power LR_SCHEDULER_POWER]
                [--model_name {deeplabv3p}]
                [--model_encoder_name {resnet34,resnet50,resnet101}]
                --loss_cross_entropy_class_weights_sts LOSS_CROSS_ENTROPY_CLASS_WEIGHTS_STS
                --loss_cross_entropy_modality {semseg_dense,semseg_scribbles,semseg_clicks}
                [--loss_cross_entropy_weight LOSS_CROSS_ENTROPY_WEIGHT]
                --loss_gatedcrf_sts LOSS_GATEDCRF_STS
                --loss_gatedcrf_resolution LOSS_GATEDCRF_RESOLUTION
                [--loss_gatedcrf_radius LOSS_GATEDCRF_RADIUS]
                [--loss_gatedcrf_kernels_desc LOSS_GATEDCRF_KERNELS_DESC]
                [--loss_gatedcrf_weight LOSS_GATEDCRF_WEIGHT]
                [--loss_gatedcrf_use_after_progress_ratio LOSS_GATEDCRF_USE_AFTER_PROGRESS_RATIO]
                [--num_batches_visualization_first NUM_BATCHES_VISUALIZATION_FIRST]
                [--num_batches_visualization_step NUM_BATCHES_VISUALIZATION_STEP]
                [--visualize_num_samples_in_batch VISUALIZE_NUM_SAMPLES_IN_BATCH]
                [--observe_train_ids OBSERVE_TRAIN_IDS]
                [--observe_valid_ids OBSERVE_VALID_IDS]
                [--tensorboard_img_grid_width TENSORBOARD_IMG_GRID_WIDTH]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --log_dir LOG_DIR     Place for artifacts and logs (default: .)
  --datasets_dir DATASETS_DIR
                        Path to dataset (default: None)
  --dataset {voc,cs}    Pascal VOC or CityScapes (default: None)
  --dataset_download DATASET_DOWNLOAD
                        Download dataset if possible (default: False)
  --workers WORKERS     Number of worker threads fetching training data (default: 16)
  --workers_validation WORKERS_VALIDATION
                        Number of worker threads fetching validation data (default: 4)
  --num_batches_train_total NUM_BATCHES_TRAIN_TOTAL
                        Number of training steps (default: 90000)
  --num_batches_validation_step NUM_BATCHES_VALIDATION_STEP
                        Number of steps between validations (default: 5000)
  --batch_size BATCH_SIZE
                        Number of samples in a batch for training (default: None)
  --batch_size_validation BATCH_SIZE_VALIDATION
                        Number of samples in a batch for validation (default: 8)
  --aug_input_crop_size AUG_INPUT_CROP_SIZE
                        Training crop size (default: None)
  --aug_geom_scale_min AUG_GEOM_SCALE_MIN
                        Augmentation: lower bound of scale (default: 0.5)
  --aug_geom_scale_max AUG_GEOM_SCALE_MAX
                        Augmentation: upper bound of scale (default: 2.0)
  --aug_geom_tilt_max_deg AUG_GEOM_TILT_MAX_DEG
                        Augmentation: maximum rotation degree (default: 0.0)
  --aug_geom_wiggle_max_ratio AUG_GEOM_WIGGLE_MAX_RATIO
                        Augmentation: perspective warping level between 0 and 1 (default: 0.0)
  --aug_geom_reflect AUG_GEOM_REFLECT
                        Augmentation: Random horizontal flips (default: True)
  --aug_geom_validation_center_crop_sts AUG_GEOM_VALIDATION_CENTER_CROP_STS
                        Augmentation: Enables center cropping during
                        validation (useful for VOC) (default: None)
  --aug_geom_validation_center_crop_size AUG_GEOM_VALIDATION_CENTER_CROP_SIZE
                        Augmentation: Size of center crop during validation
                        (default: 512)
  --aug_semseg_weak_stroke_width AUG_SEMSEG_WEAK_STROKE_WIDTH
                        Augmentation: Stroke width to use for rasterization of
                        weak modalities (default: 1)
  --optimizer {sgd,adam}
                        Type of optimizer (default: sgd)
  --optimizer_kwargs OPTIMIZER_KWARGS
                        Optimizer settings (defaults to DeepLab) (default:
                        {"lr": 0.007, "momentum": 0.9, "dampening": 0, "weight_decay": 0.0001})
  --lr_scheduler {poly}
                        Type of learning rate scheduler (default: poly)
  --lr_scheduler_power LR_SCHEDULER_POWER
                        Poly learning rate power (default: 0.9)
  --model_name {deeplabv3p}
                        CNN architecture (default: deeplabv3p)
  --model_encoder_name {resnet34,resnet50,resnet101}
                        CNN architecture encoder (default: resnet34)
  --loss_cross_entropy_class_weights_sts LOSS_CROSS_ENTROPY_CLASS_WEIGHTS_STS
                        Enables class-weighted cross entropy (default: None)
  --loss_cross_entropy_modality {semseg_dense,semseg_scribbles,semseg_clicks}
                        Which kind of (weak) supervision to use for cross entropy (default: None)
  --loss_cross_entropy_weight LOSS_CROSS_ENTROPY_WEIGHT
                        Cross entropy loss weight (default: 1.0)
  --loss_gatedcrf_sts LOSS_GATEDCRF_STS
                        Enables Gated CRF loss (default: None)
  --loss_gatedcrf_resolution LOSS_GATEDCRF_RESOLUTION
                        Resolution on which Gated CRF is applied (default: None)
  --loss_gatedcrf_radius LOSS_GATEDCRF_RADIUS
                        Radius of Gated CRF kernels (default: 5)
  --loss_gatedcrf_kernels_desc LOSS_GATEDCRF_KERNELS_DESC
                        Descriptor of Gated CRF kernels 
                        (default: [{"weight": 1, "xy": 6, "rgb": 0.1}])
  --loss_gatedcrf_weight LOSS_GATEDCRF_WEIGHT
                        Gated CRF loss weight (default: 0.1)
  --loss_gatedcrf_use_after_progress_ratio LOSS_GATEDCRF_USE_AFTER_PROGRESS_RATIO
                        Gated CRF loss idle time relative to whole experiment (default: 0.005)
  --num_batches_visualization_first NUM_BATCHES_VISUALIZATION_FIRST
                        Visualization: first time step (default: 100)
  --num_batches_visualization_step NUM_BATCHES_VISUALIZATION_STEP
                        Visualization: interval in steps (default: 1000)
  --visualize_num_samples_in_batch VISUALIZE_NUM_SAMPLES_IN_BATCH
                        Visualization: max number of samples in batch (default: 8)
  --observe_train_ids OBSERVE_TRAIN_IDS
                        Visualization: train IDs (default: [0,100])
  --observe_valid_ids OBSERVE_VALID_IDS
                        Visualization: validation IDs (default: [0,100])
  --tensorboard_img_grid_width TENSORBOARD_IMG_GRID_WIDTH
                        Visualization: number of samples per row (default: 8)


The code is released under MIT License (see LICENSE file for details).


    author={Anton Obukhov and Stamatios Georgoulis and Dengxin Dai and Luc {Van Gool}},
    title={Gated {CRF} Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Image Segmentation},


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%