kahrl / skm-overlay

Create an overlay PDF of Silvana Koch-Mehrin's dissertation

Home Page:http://de.vroniplag.wikia.com/wiki/Skm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This tool takes as input a (specific) PDF version of Silvana
Koch-Mehrin's dissertation "Historische Währungsunion zwischen
Wirtschaft und Politik" and creates an overlay PDF that shows
plagiarized text passages and their actual sources according to
the VroniPlag Wiki <http://de.vroniplag.wikia.com/>.

The dissertation is not included due to copyright reasons.

* PHP 5, see section 1 below.
* TeXLive (or any other recent TeX distribution), see section 1 below.
* pdftk (the pdf toolkit), version 1.43 or greater, see section 1 below.
* A specific PDF version of the dissertation, see section 2 below.
* A patched version of pdftotext (part of poppler), see section 3 below.


Thanks to marcusb for writing the original code (which was for Karl-Theodor
zu Guttenberg's dissertation back then). skm-overlay.php builds heavily on
those ideas, the structure and (to some extent) the code.
See <http://de.guttenplag.wikia.com/wiki/Benutzer:Marcusb/OverlayPDF>.

Thanks to fiesh for writing the original version of FragmentLoader.php, and
to various contributors for getting it to its current feature set.
See <https://github.com/fiesh/gut-ab/commits/master> for a version history.

Also, many thanks to the countless contributors on VroniPlag Wiki
and on IRC for documenting and making public yet another egregious case
of plagiarism.


Section 1. Installing required dependencies

Make sure PHP 5 <http://php.net/>, TeXLive <http://www.tug.org/texlive/>
and pdftk >= 1.43 <http://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/>
are installed.


Section 2. The dissertation

Since the dissertation cannot be freely distributed (even if it
obviously is not original content, at least in parts), you must somehow
obtain a copy (e.g. by scanning it in a library). Ask in #vroniplag on
irc.freenode.net if your PDF copy is suitable for this overlay generator.

In particular, one PDF file that is suitable has the following MD5 sum:

Once you've got the PDF, store it in the skm-overlay source directory
and call it Koch-Mehrin.pdf.


Section 3. pdftotext

A special patched version of pdftotext (part of the poppler package)
is needed. The patch adds support for XML output and extended bounding
box output. A patch for version 0.16.5 of poppler is included.

Download the source of poppler 0.16.5, unpack it to a new directory,
enter it in a terminal and apply the patch:
  wget http://poppler.freedesktop.org/poppler-0.16.5.tar.gz
  tar -xvzf poppler-0.16.5.tar.gz
  cd poppler-0.16.5
  patch -p1 < /path/to/skm-overlay/poppler-0.16.5-bbox-extended.patch 

Now build it:
  mkdir build
  cd build
  cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.. -D WITH_GObjectIntrospection=NO ..
  make install


Section 4. Converting Koch-Mehrin.pdf to Koch-Mehrin.xml

First, switch back to the skm-overlay directory.

Next, we'll run the patched pdftotext on Koch-Mehrin.pdf to generate
the file Koch-Mehrin.xml (which contains information about the position, size,
font, font size, etc. of each word in the PDF file).

First, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH to make sure pdftotext uses the correct libraries:
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/poppler-0.16.5/lib

Then run pdftotext:
  /path/to/poppler-0.16.5/bin/pdftotext -bbox-extended -xmlmeta -enc UTF-8 Koch-Mehrin.pdf

Ignore any errors about "Invalid Font Weight" or similar messages.
If it worked correctly, the previous command should have created
a file called Koch-Mehrin.xml.


Section 5. Load the current data from VroniPlag Wiki

** note **
If you later want to create an updated version of the overlay PDF,
re-start at this step.
** end note **

In skm-overlay, run:
  php buildcache.php

This will download the fragments, sources and fragment types from the Wiki.


Section 6. Build the overlay PDF

In skm-overlay, run:
  php skm-overlay.php
  pdflatex overlay-file.tex
  pdftk Koch-Mehrin.pdf multistamp overlay-file.pdf output Koch-Mehrin-farbig.pdf

Congratulations, you're done! Now open Koch-Mehrin-farbig.pdf and enjoy...


Create an overlay PDF of Silvana Koch-Mehrin's dissertation



Language:PHP 100.0%