kagyuu / ansible_common

Ansible Common Roles

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ansible Common Roles

  • Usage

        - ../ansible_common/common
  • No Argument

  • Abstract : Common settings for almost all servers.

    1. Enable epel
    2. yum update
    3. install basic commands. curl wget postfix etc.
    4. disable SELinux :-P
    5. open mdns (avahi) ports.
  • Usage

        - { role: ../ansible_common/firewalld, PORTS:["4848/tcp","8080/tcp"], SERVICES:["ldap"] }     
  • Argument

Argument Default value Explanation
PORTS [] these ports are opened for client computers
SERVICES [] these services are opened for client computers
  • Abstract : make specified ports and services open
  • Usage

        - { role: ../ansible_common/ldap, ROOT_PWD: "9l!fe"}      
  • Argument

Argument Default value Explanation
ROOT_PWD secret
DOMAIN example DOMAIN must be the first dc of the SUFFIX.
SUFFIX dc=example,dc=com base dn
ORG example co. ltd. Organization name.
  • Abstract : Install OpenLDAP

    1. install openldap
    2. create cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com / password=secret
    3. install schmeas
    • core : basic attribute. "cn", "ou", etc.

    • cosine : x500/COSINE tree figure data structure

    • inetorgperson : name, group, email, etc.

    • memberof overlay : auto resolve 'memberof attributes' of inetorgperson. For example :

      # admin user
      dn: cn=ichiro,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
      objectClass: inetOrgPerson
      cn: ichiro
      sn: suzuki
      userPassword: ichiro123
      # admin group
      dn: cn=admin,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com
      objectClass: groupOfNames
      cn: admin
      member: cn=ichiro,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
      $ ldapsearch -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W -b "cn=ichiro,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" memberof
      dn: cn=ichiro,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
      memberOf: cn=admin,ou=Group,dc=example,dc=com
    1. create sample directory
      - dc=com
        - dc=example
          - Group (organizationalUnit)
            - admin (groupOfNames) ⇒ member = cn=ichiro,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
          - People (organizationalUnit)
            - ichiro (inetOrgPerson) ⇒ userPassword=ichiro123
            - jiro (inetOrgPerson) ⇒ userPassword=jiro123
    1. set access authentication
Attribute User Auth
userPassword cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com manage
self write
anonymous auth
* (other) none
* (other) cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com manage
self write
* (other) none
  • Appendix. About typical attibutes of LDAP
Attribute Note
dn a location of tree. Ex. cn=ichiro,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
dc domain component. Ex. dc=example, dc=com
c country
o organization. Ex. a company
ou organization unit. Ex. a division in the company
cn lastname (family-name)
sn firstname (given-name)
uid user id
userPassword password. You shoud store hash value of password. Don't put plain text.
RDN primary key (attribute) during brother nodes
  • Appendix. How can I use groupOfUniqueNames as auth group objectClass instead of groupOfNames.
    • Settings for the memberof overlay is in cn=config. And default settings is following :
    olcMemberOfRefInt: TRUE
    olcMemberOfGroupOC: groupOfNames
    olcMemberOfMemberAD: member
    • So, to refer the uniqueMember attribute in the groupOfUniqueNames objectClass when seeking inetOrgPerson, you must overwrite these config attribute.
    • more details, see man page
    • But an ancient old wise man said you should not change the default setting in vain!
  • Usage

        - ../ansible_common/ldapadmin
  • No Argument

  • Abstract

    1. install apache
    2. install phpLDAPAdmin
  • Usage

        - ../ansible_common/pwm
  • No Argument

  • Abstract

    1. install PWM to /opt/tomcat/webapps
    2. If there is apache, install mod_proxy_http settings.
  • Usage

        - { role: ../ansible_common/postgres, db_name: redmine, db_passwd: "{{ db_passwd_redmine }}" }
  • Argument

Argument Default value Explanation
db_name (none) username for db
db_passwd (none) password for db
  • Abstract
    1. install postgresql (CentOS Base yum version, not latest)
    2. create user.
    3. create db that {{db_name}} user has full permission.
  • Usage

        - role: ../ansible_common/ruby
  • Argument

Argument Default value Explanation
ruby_version ruby-2.3.1 source code is published in https://cache.ruby-lang.org/pub/ruby/2.3/{{ ruby_version }}.tar.gz
  • Abstract
    1. donwload ruby source
    2. build ruby
    3. install ruby
  • Usage

        - role: ../ansible_common/tomcat
  • Argument

Argument Default value Explanation
TOMCAT_VERSION 8.5.8 source code is published in http://ftp.tsukuba.wide.ad.jp/software/apache/tomcat/tomcat-8/v{{ TOMCAT_VERSION }}/bin/apache-tomcat-{{ TOMCAT_VERSION }}.tar.gz
  • Abstract
    1. install openjdk 1.8.0 and postgresql/mysql jdbc driver
    2. donwload tomcat source
    3. install tomcat
    4. make symlink of jdbc drivers to /opt/tomcat/lib/
    5. create systemd unit and enable it
  • Usage

        - { role: ../ansible_common/glassfish
            , db_name: gis
            , db_passwd: password
            , db: postgis
  • Argument

Argument Default value Explanation
GLASSFISH_VERSION 4.1.2 source code is published in http://download.java.net/glassfish/{{ GLASSFISH_VERSION }}/release/glassfish-{{ GLASSFISH_VERSION }}.zip
db_name Database name (it is same as the database admin user)
db_password password for {{db_name}}
db Database type [postgis, postgresql]
  • Abstract

    1. install openjdk 1.8.0
    2. donwload glassfish source
    3. install glassfish
    4. create systemd unit and enable it
    5. create jms queue jms/myQueue
    6. create datasource jdbc/sample
  • Glassfish 4.1.1 has bug at the management console in Nov-2016. see JIRA GLASSFISH-21443

  • JDBC Drivers would be installed.

  • If you want to prepare the postgis jdbc driver for the glassfish, you must call the maven role before calling this role.

  • The "jdbc/sample" refers the app-connection-pool. You can add another datasource for example "jdbc/activitiDS" that refers the app-connection-pool later. Or You can change the "jdbc/sample" to your favorite name.

  • Usage

        - role: ../ansible_common/maven
  • Argument

Argument Default value Explanation
  • Abstract

    1. install openjdk 1.8.0
    2. install maven 3.3.9 (yum version is too old, install from apache site)
    3. create .m2/settings.xml if proxy.yml is defined.
  • if proxy settings is needed, write like follows :

http_proxy_host: proxy.foo.com
http_proxy_port: 3128
http_proxy_username: john@foo.com
http_proxy_password: password

http_proxy: http://{{ http_proxy_username | urlencode() }}:{{ http_proxy_password }}@{{ http_proxy_host }}:{{ http_proxy_port }}

proxy_env :
  http_proxy: "{{ http_proxy | default(None) }}"
  https_proxy: "{{ http_proxy | default(None) }}"
  • Usage

        - { role: ../ansible_common/http_proxy, REQUEST:"/pwm/", DEST:"http://localhost:8080/pwm/"}
  • Argument

Argument Default value Explanation
REQUEST (none) If user requests url which has {{ REQUEST }}, http_proxy will farm out the request to {{ DEST }}
DEST (none)


Ansible Common Roles

License:MIT License