kaemiin / AWSWorkshop-20180823-IAM-Role-S3-CW-SNS

AWS Startup Workshop (200+), IAM/Role/AKSK/Event/Notification

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Startup Workshop Series (2018-08-23) Build On AWS

Today we are going to practice a full end to end scenario, create VPC with different network topology, include public subnet and private subnet. And we will create bastion machine, Application Load Balancer with Web server, a backend machine inside the private subnet, a RDS server and also a S3 bucket.

Looks complicated, but it is designed to be a very wide usage sample for most general scenario.

AWS Workshop Series - VPCEC2S3RDS

For this workshop, we support 3 different region:

  • N. Viginia(us-east-1)
  • N. California(us-west-1)
  • Tokyo(ap-northeast-1)
  • Sydney(ap-southeast-2)
  • Frankfurt(eu-central-1)
  • London(eu-west-2)

We pick these region becase later we will deploy the whole stack, with correct AMI support.

Step 1:

Switch Region on the AWS console, a drag down menu near right-up corner. For example, we pick N. Viginia(us-east-1) for our lab practice.

Step 2:

  • Create a new IAM User
  • AWS Console > IAM > Create User
  • Create a user, with proper user name, with password, choose both programmic and console usage.
  • Attach existing policies directly, and pick AmazonEC2FullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess
  • After review, then create the user
  • At the last page, please remeber to download the credential csv, or copy the Access Key ID and Secrect Access Key on the page.

Step 3:

  • Make sure you set each account with MFA
  • AWS console > IAM > users, and click the user name you just created
  • Pick the Security credentials tab, you can see the link Assigned MFA device
  • Click and pick A virtual MFA device, with download mobile app, you could enable the Multi-Factor-Authentication to protect your account. For more detail, please check the document (https://aws.amazon.com/iam/details/mfa/)

Step 4:

  • Check if you already have a EC2 Key pair in your selected region.

  • If not, create one through AWS Console > EC2 > Key Pairs > Create Key Pair.

  • Remember to download the private key(.pem) and well saved.

  • In usual, we will move it into ~/.ssh/ sub-folder in your home directory.

  • To make it secure, remeber to change the privilege with command chmod 0400 XXXXX.pem

  • If you are windows user, and you should download putty.exe and puttygen.exe from Here. And also check the document Here if you don't know how to convert .pem to .ppk

Step 5:

  • Check your web service stack
  • You will find an Application Load Balancer, A web server and a backend server, and also a S3 bucket.
  • In this practice, you can see how to create resource for our basic practice. You can try to understand how we design the network topology, how we devide AZ and subnet.
  • Also, we talked about the security group. By default, all the network routing rule has been pre-defined, you don't need to do anything. In this empty stack, you can see what we showed in the first diagram.

Step 6:

  • Now find the bucket policy file in (AWSWorkshop-20180823-IAM-Role-S3-CW-SNS/policies/bucket-policy.json)
  • Copy it, and paste to your S3 bucket policy: AWS Console > S3 > YOURBUCKET > Permission > bucket policy
  • Paste it and save.
  • Now compare with different access method, try to use awscli from bastion, on your laptop.
  • Try to access the bucket, with and without MFA.
  • The command with MFA delete will like aws s3api delete-object --bucket nctu-aws-workshop --key test.py --mfa "arn:aws:iam::111111111111:mfa/$YOURUSER 123456"


Step 7(Advanced Challenge):

  • This will Activate CloudTrail Service, and create a new Trail, new SNS, and also put the email address into subscription
  • Now we go back to S3 bucket you created in Step 5 > Properties > Object-level logging
  • select the Trail you just create, and check the read/write event, to make sure you send out all the log to CloudTrail.
  • Now we goto Cloudwatch, and create a new rule AWS Console > CloudWatch > Rules > Create Rule
  • Check Event Pattern
  • Build event pattern to match events by service
  • Service Name will be S3
  • Event Type will be All Events
  • And Add Target, pick SNS topic, and make sure you send it to the right topic.
  • After you give it a name, it's done now.
  • Now, try to put some file into your bucket, modify and delete, you will get email notification. AWS Workshop Series - S3OBJCTCWSNS


After Workshop

  1. Go to Cloudformation, select your stack and delete stack.
  2. Remember to delete all the stack above with reversed sequence. (step 7 > step 5)


AWS Startup Workshop (200+), IAM/Role/AKSK/Event/Notification