kadircet / COWNotifier

News groups notifications with Telegram

Home Page:https://telegram.me/cownotifbot

Repository from Github https://github.comkadircet/COWNotifierRepository from Github https://github.comkadircet/COWNotifier


Get notifications via a Telegram bot for your favorite news groups. Generic server allows multiple users to create and manage followlist within a news server and get notifications whenever a new post has been made to one of those groups.


Server side

Clone the repo then edit driver.py's getConfig function for the first setup, by giving the Telegram Bot's token, your server's URL etc. Function is self-explanatory. Then run driver.py.

Bot Side

/start - Create a record within the server for the followlist
/add TOPICNAME - Adds topic to your followlist, in addition to exact topic name, it also tries to match the name by prepending metu.ceng. or metu.ceng.course. to the given parameter, a spesific help for METU CENG users. Can be tweaked within newsreader.py's closest fuction.
/delete TOPICNAME - Deletes given topic from your followlist
/list - Shows your followlist entries.
/help - Prints out command's and basic info about usage

There's a working bot telegram.me/cownotifbot but it's only available to metu ceng newsgroup, you can simply create a new bot and give token to server's config and create a bot for your own server.


News groups notifications with Telegram


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%