Twitch bot
Connect to twitch stream
Detect someone says !links (=> link.tree)
Deploy on Vercel/Heroku
- CANCELED: Deploy on Vercel (base Node server) :
- Deploy on Heroku
Set up logger
Detect !wow to start sound
Connect WS to Twitch client (
) -
Twitch client to export? (or send?)
client.on('message', ...)
as commands- Soclet Server
- make a .send method that will always JSON.stringify when sending
- make a .send method that will always JSON.stringify when receiving
- socket data : { type : "action", name: "playsound", "file": "mario_letsgo.mp3" }
- Socket Client
- socket.on (message from back)
- modify audio src
- play audio
- socket.on (message from back)
- Soclet Server
Convert to TS
Record what has been said
Connect to MongoDB
Create page to add a PR: