kaczor6418 / gdsc-website-template

Generic GDSC template which can be used by any club

Home Page:https://kaczor6418.github.io/gdsc-website-template/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

GDSC website template

  1. Description
  2. Philosophy
  3. Requirements
  4. Getting started
    1. Create a fork
    2. Host your GDSC website
  5. Configuration
    1. General configuration
    2. Teams configuration
    3. Projects configuration
    4. Projects propositions configuration
  6. Updating configs
    1. Adding new team
    2. Adding new project
    3. Adding new project proposition


This repository contains a generic template for Google Developer Students Club website. By filling config files all events and club organizers will be automatically fetched from your GDSC page and reflected in this page. Additionally, by filling proper configs you can also share the information about students teems that looking for help, projects created by students and projects propositions that students can make.

Under the hood whole project is built in TypeScript + CSS + HTML. To split the code I have use WebComponents.


When I become a GDSC Lead I was looking for options to encourage students to make their own projects and create a teams and work together. Unfortunately GDSC page doesn't provide such features, and what's more It was also to hard the information about sites connected to your club (I wanted to make it more visible and straight-forward) so I have decided to build my own website and make it generic to allow other leads to use it.

After few months of work between studies and work I came up with this v1.0 version which for sure will be improved in the future. If you are interested in what I am planing to do next check this v2.0 road-map


To create your own GDSC Website using this repository you will need:

  • GitHub account
  • Basic understanding of GitHub platform
  • GitHub organization (optional)

And that's all you do not need any server or your own private domain. We will use services provided by GitHub platform to make everything work and do not pay anything.

Getting started

Here you can find a YouTube vide with full explanation how to set up your own GDSC Website How to set up GDSC website template

Create a fork

  1. Go under this url: https://github.com/GDSC-Lodz-University-of-Technology/gdsc-tul-website
  2. Click fork button in the right upper corner
  3. Choose organization in which you want to create your own GDSC Website

Host your GDSC website

  1. Open your fork of gdsc-website-template which you have created in previous step
  2. Open Settings (It is a cog button which should appear as the last tab under name-of-your-organization/gdsc-website-template)
  3. Find and click Pages tab in left vertical navbar (should be the penultimate tab)
  4. As the source choose Branch > master and directory /root
  5. click Save button
  6. At the top of this panel you should see green notification with address of your webpage
  7. If website doesn't appear try to push ay changes to the master branch, or you can skip it for now because in the next section we will take care of configuration


Here you can find a YouTube vide with full explanation how to configure your own GDSC Website How to set general configuration for GDSC website template

General configuration

  1. Open ./assets/configs/config.json file
  2. Change gdscClubRootUrl to your GDSC club page url. This is required for reflecting events and organizers information
  3. Change clubName to your GDSC club name (keep it short)
  4. Add contact information. For example link to official GDSC page, GitHub of your club, discord group ...

Structure of config.json can be described by such interface:

 * @gdscClubRootUrl → url to root page of your official GDSC club
 * @clubName → name of your club
 * @contact → how people can contact with your team
interface Config {
  gdscClubRootUrl: string;
  clubName: string;
  contact: SingleContact[];

 * @iconId → id of one of allowed icons
 * @url → utl to club github/twitter/discord ...
interface SingleContact {
  iconId: ContactIcon;
  url: string;

type ContactIcon = 'facebook' | 'twitter' | 'github' | 'discord' | 'gdsc' | 'instagram';

Teams configuration

Here you can find a YouTube vide with full explanation how to set configuration for teams How to set teams configuration for GDSC website template

  1. Open ./assets/configs/teams.json file
  2. If someone from your club members is looking for teammates to start or continue a project here is the best place to add advertisement and let other club members to know about this. Each of club members can also create a request with teem advertisement, but I will talk about this later
  3. If you leave this config empty then information that there is no any team yet will appear in Teams tab

Structure of teams.json can be described by such interface:

type TeamsConfig = TeamConfig[];

 * @name → name of the team should be unique across all teams
 * @description → short description what team is doing
 * @lookingFor → short description of people that can join team
 * @technologies → array of technoliges which you are using in the team
 * @contact → how to contact with team (at leas one)
 * @members → current mebers of the team (at least one)
interface TeamConfig {
  name: string;
  description: string;
  lookingFor: string;
  technologies: string[];
  contact: Partial<TeamContact>;
  members: TeamMember[];

 * name of the comunicator and url/number to team comunicator
interface TeamContact {
  discord: string;
  messanger: string;
  telegram: string;
  mail: string;
  phone: number;

 * @name → name or alias of the team meber
 * @avatarUrl → url to avator of team meber
 * @url → url to teammeber Blog/GitHub/Twwiteer/LinkedIn
interface TeamMember {
  name: string;
  avatarUrl: string;
  url: string;

Projects configuration

Here you can find a YouTube vide with full explanation how to set configuration for projects How to set projects configuration for GDSC website template

  1. Open ./assets/configs/projects.json file
  2. If someone from your club members or group of members want to show their project to other people here is a place to do that. Showing work of your team can be a good idea to inspire other members to create their own projects too. Each of club members can also create a request with description of created project, but I will talk about this later
  3. If you leave this config empty then information that there is no any created projects yet will appear in Projects tab in Created projects section

Structure of projects.json can be described by such interface:

type ProjectsConfig = ProjectConfig[];

 * @name → name of the team should be unique across all projects
 * @description → short description what team is doing
 * @sourceCode → url to sorce code of the project
 * @technologies → list of technologies which been used to create project
 * @demo → more info about created projects
 * @creators → list of people that have created this project
interface ProjectConfig {
  name: string;
  description: string;
  sourceCode: string;
  technologies: string[];
  demo: ProjectDemo;
  creators: Creator[];

 * @url → url to project demo/source code/video if demo is not deployed
 * @picture → url to picture of running project
interface ProjectDemo {
  url: string;
  picture: string;

 * @name → name or alias of the project creator
 * @avatarUrl → url to avator of the project creator
 * @url → url to creator Blog/GitHub/Twwiteer/LinkedIn
interface Creator {
  name: string;
  avatarUrl: string;
  url: string;

Projects propositions configuration

Here you can find a YouTube vide with full explanation how to set configuration for projects propositions How to set projects propositions configuration for GDSC website template

  1. Open ./assets/configs/projects-propositions.json file
  2. If you want to encourage your club members to work on projects and develop their skills by writing a code, here you can add projects propositions on which they can work
  3. If you leave this config empty then information that there is no any created projects yet will appear in Projects tab in Projects propositions section
type ProjectsPropositionConfig = ProjectProposition[];

 * @name → name of the proposed project should be unique across all proposed projects
 * @description → short description what you can learn by doing this project and what is the main target of this project
 * @technologies → list of technologies which you may use making this project
 * @difficulty → what is the difficulty of this project
 * @readmeUrl → url to readme of this project with more descriptive description of this project
 * @pictureUrl → picture of possible project
interface ProjectConfig {
  name: string;
  description: string;
  technologies: string[];
  difficulty: DificultyLevel;
  readmeUrl: string;
  pictureUrl: string;

type DificultyLevel = 'BASIC' | 'INTERMEDIATE' | 'ADVANCED' | 'MASTER';

Updating configs

Adding new team

Here you can find a YouTube vide with full explanation how to add new team How to add new team to GDSC website

  1. Open repository of your gdsc-website-for which you have created
  2. Find ./assets/configs/teams.json file in GitHub repository
  3. Click Edit button
  4. Edit view of teams.json should open
  5. On the beginning of this file add an object as the new first element of array with information of new team
  6. In Commit changes section add title for example team(team-name): add new team
  7. Add short description why you want to add this advertisement
  8. Add new-team label
  9. Select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.
  10. Add GDSC Lead or any core team member as reviewer
  11. Click Propose changes to submit you Pull Request
  12. Someone with Write privileges needs to approve your Pull Request and merge this with master (core-team member or GDSC Lead)
  13. After Pull Request will be approved and merged you should see new team in Teams tab at your website

Adding new project

Here you can find a YouTube vide with full explanation how to add new project How to add new project to GDSC website

  1. Open repository of your gdsc-website-for which you have created
  2. Find ./assets/configs/projects.json file in GitHub repository
  3. Click Edit button
  4. Edit view of projects.json should open
  5. On the beginning of this file add an object as the new first element of array with information of project
  6. In Commit changes section add title for example project(project-name): add new project
  7. Add short description why you want to show your work
  8. Select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.
  9. Add new-project label
  10. Add GDSC Lead or any core team member as reviewer
  11. Click Propose changes to submit you Pull Request
  12. Someone with Write privileges needs to approve your Pull Request and merge this with master (core-team member or GDSC Lead)
  13. After Pull Request will be approved and merged you should see new project in Projects tab in Created projects section at your website

Adding new project proposition

Here you can find a YouTube vide with full explanation how to add new project-proposition How to add new project-proposition to GDSC website

  1. Open repository of your gdsc-website-for which you have created
  2. Find ./assets/configs/projects-propositions.json file in GitHub repository
  3. Click Edit button
  4. Edit view of projects-propositions.json should open
  5. On the beginning of this file add an object as the new first element of array with information of project proposition
  6. In Commit changes section add title for example project-proposition(project-proposition-name): add new project-proposition
  7. Add short description why you want to show your work
  8. Select Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request.
  9. Add new-project-proposition label
  10. Add GDSC Lead or any core team member as reviewer
  11. Click Propose changes to submit you Pull Request
  12. Someone with Write privileges needs to approve your Pull Request and merge this with master (core-team member or GDSC Lead)
  13. After Pull Request will be approved and merged you should see new project in Projects tab in Created projects section at your website


Generic GDSC template which can be used by any club


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 74.4%Language:CSS 18.3%Language:Shell 3.9%Language:JavaScript 2.5%Language:HTML 0.9%