kaczla / lemmatizer

Simple lemmatizer base on PoliMorf and OpenFst

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Simple lemmatizer base on PoliMorf - Polish morphological dictionary, which is created using OpenFst automata.

Lemmatizer contains several scripts:

  • convert_data.rb - ruby script for preparing data from PoliMorf in specific format (read more in Word format section)
  • convert_fst.rb - ruby script for preparing data from convert_data.rb to simple OpenFst automata
  • get_symbol.rb - ruby script for getting all characters (alphabet) from PoliMorf
  • prepare_main_data.rb - ruby script for prepraing all data and save them into data/main_data file
  • lemmatizer.rb - ruby script running lemmatizer (require data/main_data)
  • run.sh - simple bash script for running lemmatizer
  • demo.sh - simple demo written in bash (uses example_input.txt file)

How run

  1. run command make (build main_data)
  2. run lemmatizer: ruby lemmatizer.rb or ./lemmatizer.rb (wait few second for loading data, CTRL+D will stop lemmatizer)

Lemmatizer options:

--data <data_file_path> - main data path, default path is data/main_data

--only-output - print only output (where is unknown word - not found in PoliMorf), defualt printing fomat is:

> input_word -> founded_words_separated_byt_comma - when found word in PoliMorf

- input_word - when word was not found

--ignore-unknown - ignore unknown word - not found in PoliMorf (use with --only-output)

Word format:

Word format: [input_word][+][how_char_delete][what_add]

[input_word] - input word

[+] - static character, separating input word from the rest

[how_char_delete] - says how many character delete from input word, mapping is described in data/counter_map file, e.x. 0 delete 0 characters, A delete 1 characters, B delete 2 characters and so on...

[what_add] - says what add to input word (after deleting characters), e.x. abc - means add abc characters to input word


  • komputerka+Bek = from komputerka delete 2 characters (B - means 2) and add ek, result is komputerek
  • internetach+C = from internetach delete 3 characters (C - means 3) add no add characters, result is internet
  • oprogramowanie+0 = from oprogramowanie no delete characters (0 - means 0) and no add characters, result is oprogramowanie

Morphological dictionary

You can use other morphological dictionary, but save them (in PoliMorf-1.tab.gz UTF-8 encoding archive file - Makefile will choose the latest file - sorting by name) in fomat:

[input_word][tabulation = \t][base_word]

example (remember about tabulation):

komputerka	komputerek
internetach	internet
oprogramowanie	oprogramowanie

Data files:


Lines says how delete characters (read more in Word format section in [how_char_delete] format), file fomat:

[mapped_char][tabulation = \t][how_char_delete]

example (remember about tabulation):

0	0
1	A
2	B
3	C
4	D
45	w
46	x
47	y
48	z


Main data for lemmatizer, can be use for custom program. File is divided into several sections:

  1. Section <MAP_SYMBOL> X - says how characters are mapped for input word - depends on the input data (morphological dictionary), where X is numer of lines to read
    1. Next X lines are in format: [CHARACTER][SPACE][NUMBER], example:
      ' 0
      + 1
      - 2
      . 3
      0 4
      2 5
      A 6
      š 108
      ū 109
      Ź 110
      ź 111
      Ż 112
      ż 113
      ’ 114
  2. Section <MAP_COUNTER_CHAR> X - says how map [how_char_delete] (read more in Word format section in [how_char_delete] format), where X is numer of lines to read
    1. Next X lines are in format: [NUMBER][SPACE][CHARACTER] - is the same as data/counter_map, example:
      0 0
      1 A
      2 B
      3 C
      4 D
      45 w
      46 x
      47 y
      48 z
  3. Section <FINAL> X - says what states are accepting/final (read more in algorithm section), where X is numer of lines to read
    1. Next X lines are in format: [NUMBER], example:
  4. Section <MAP_STATE> X Y Z - says how beginning state has go through character (characters are mapped by <MAP_COUNTER_CHAR> section) to next state, where X is maximum height of the matrix, Y is maximum width of the matrix, Z is numer of lines to read (you can define array STATES[X][Y] or use other data structures, e.x. map/hashmap)
      0 6 1
      0 7 2
      0 8 3
      509503 56 607763
      509503 87 607760
      509504 18 607764
      928979 54 928980
      928980 32 928981
      928981 89 1787

Data structures

Lemamatizer structures:

  1. map (MAP_SYMBOL) for MAP_SYMBOL section (see more in section data/main_data point 1), where for line [CHARACTER][SPACE][NUMBER], [CHARACTER] is key of map and [NUMBER] is value of key and will be necessary reversed map = MAP_SYMBOL_REVERSED, where [NUMBER] is key of map and [CHARACTER] is value of key
  2. map (MAP_COUNTER_CHAR) for MAP_COUNTER_CHAR section (see more in section data/main_data point 2), where for line [NUMBER][SPACE][CHARACTER], [CHARACTER] is key of map and [NUMBER] is value of key
  3. array/set (FINAL) for FINAL section (see more in section data/main_data point 3), where for line [NUMBER], [NUMBER] is acceping/final state
  4. map/two-dimensional array/matrix = MAP_STATE for MAP_STATE section (see more in section data/main_data point 4), where for line [NUMBER_BEGINNING_STATE][SPACE][NUMBER_CHARACTER][SPACE][NUMBER_NEXT_STATE], [NUMBER_BEGINNING_STATE] is value I for array STATES[I][J], [NUMBER_CHARACTER] is value J for array STATES[I][J] and [NUMBER_NEXT_STATE] is value for [NUMBER_BEGINNING_STATE] = I and [NUMBER_CHARACTER] = J in array STATES[I][J]. Or simpler it is array equal STATES[NUMBER_BEGINNING_STATE][NUMBER_CHARACTER] = [NUMBER_NEXT_STATE] - important thing: unknown value should be save as -1, those that were not in the file = defualt value is -1


Lemmatizer have simple algorithm for searching:

  1. Set beggining state as 0
  2. For earch character for input word
    1. If character is not in MAP_SYMBOL return NOT FOUND
    2. Otherwise save value of character from MAP_SYMBOL into character_int
    3. Go through MAP_STATE using state_beggining and character_int and save it into state_ending equal state_ending := MAP_STATE[state_beggining][character_int]
    4. If state_ending not exist (equal -1) return NOT_FOUND
    5. Otherwise state_beggining is state_ending eqaul state_beggining := state_ending
  3. For character_int save value of character + (plus) from MAP_SYMBOL
  4. Go through MAP_STATE using state_beggining and character_int and save it into state_ending
  5. If state_ending not exist (equal -1) return NOT_FOUND
  6. Otherwise state_beggining is state_ending
  7. For each character_int from MAP_SYMBOL where local_state_beggining is state_beggining
    1. Go through MAP_STATE using local_state_beggining and character_int and save it into local_state_ending
    2. If local_state_ending not exist (equal -1) or local_state_ending is in FINAL go to next character_int, ignore this iteration
    3. Add value of character_int from MAP_SYMBOL_REVERSED (letter) into array
    4. Otherwise local_state_beggining is local_state_ending
    5. Go deep - similar as point 7 - get all list combination of letters
  8. For each answer (element) of array
    1. Copy word input into local_input_word
    2. Remove characters from local_input_word based on first element from answer - use MAP_COUNTER_CHAR for map first character into number
    3. Add rest elements answer into cutted local_input_word
    4. Add local_input_word into returning list
  9. Return returing list


  • Ruby
  • Bash
  • Makefile
  • ~8.5-12 GB RAM (for determinization OpenFst automata) - 8GB RAM if for convert_data.rb will be used --ignore-with-prefix flag (will be ignored word with prefix naj and nie when input_word and base_word do not have same beginning characters, e.g. niemniejszący mniejszyć)


  • OpenFst automata is used for showing how pack data into automata
  • U can see how OpenFst automata size file change after determinization and minimialization - change FST_PIPE to 1, line should be FST_PIPE=0 and run command make data/fst_text.fst - see in data dir size files


Simple lemmatizer base on PoliMorf and OpenFst

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Ruby 85.3%Language:Makefile 12.5%Language:Shell 2.1%