kacollins / lightning-talk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kimberly Collins

I had a hard time coming up with a topic for this talk!

Filling 5 minutes is easier than you think

Keeping it to 5 minutes is not as easy as you think

I had to cut a lot of content

Focus on the beginning and ending of your talk

Start with your first and last slides

Title slide

  • Your topic
  • Your name

Intro/Vanity Slide

  • Give context on who you are and why we’re listening to you
  • Subtly mention if you're looking for work

Call Me Kimberly

  • C#.NET software engineer
  • SQL Server database consultant
  • 17 years of development experience
  • Part-time availability for freelance work

Last slides

Call to action

  • What do you want people to do after your talk?
  • What do they need to get to that point?

Connect with me

Sign up to give a talk

  • OKC Design + Tech
  • OKC WebDevs
  • Pythonistas
  • SheCodesOKC
  • ThunderPlains 2024
  • OKC Coffee and Code

Finding a topic is the hardest part for everyone

Engage with the community

  • Participate in Slack discussions
    • Ask and answer questions
  • Attend local user group meetups
    • Chat with other attendees

Focus more on Why than How

  • You don't have to get into technical details
  • Attendees can learn more about the topic on their own if they're interested


Share something new or new to you

  • Assume the audience knows a little less than they probably do

  • It’s fine if you talk about something they already know (devs love that)

  • Other people will be giving lightning talks

  • It’s fine if yours only applies to some of the audience

Tell a story

  • Your story - how you got into tech, your role, or your tech stack
  • Anybody can do this
  • Nobody can “well actually” you

Talk to the leaders of your favorite user groups

  • They probably need speakers. Ask them to talk through some topic ideas with you
  • Tell them you're interested in being on a panel or just reading the announcements
  • Volunteer to help out with meetups to get a feel for how they work

Still think there’s nothing you can speak about?

Connect with me

Sign up to give a talk

  • OKC Design + Tech
  • OKC WebDevs
  • Pythonistas
  • SheCodesOKC
  • ThunderPlains 2024
  • OKC Coffee and Code


  • Questions?
  • Ask in Slack! #thunderplains @KimberlyCollins


  • Aaron - OKC WebDevs, simpleslides.dev
  • Erich - Tulsa WebDevs, #newbie-mentor-matching
  • Kerry/Grant/Adrian - OKC Design + Tech
  • Lance - Pythonistas
  • Shanda/Hannah/Layla - SheCodesOKC
  • Everyone giving lightning talks today
  • Everyone signing up to give talks (You!)
