kaan-yalcinkaya / GCol-List

GCol-List is a generic linked list library for C language.

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GCol-List is a generic linked list library for C language.


gcolList_destroyData_m: Allow dynamically allocated data to be freed when freeing a node. if the data does not to be freed, use #undef gcolList_destroyData_m

gcolList_pushBack_m: Convert to given literal to a compound literal and passes the address of the resulting anonymous object to the gcolList_pushBack function.

gcolList_pushFront_m: Same as pushBack_m

gcolList_insert_m: Same as pushBack_m

gcolList_remove_m: Same as pushBack_m

gcolList_search_m: Same as pushBack_m

Type definations

void*: void_ptr

struct gcolList_s: gcolList_t

struct gcolList_s*: gcolList_ptr


gcolList_initialize: Allocets memory for a list and initializes the list then return the address of new list.

gcolList_destroy: Frees completed list and all nodes. If gcol_destroyData_m is defined, it also frees the data in the node.

gcolList_pushBack: Adds the given data to the end of the list.

gcolList_pushFront: Adds the given data to the beginning of the list.

gcolList_insert: Adds the given data to the given index of the list.

gcolList_popBack: Deletes the data at the end of the list.

gcolList_popFront: Deletes the data at the beginning of the list.

gcolList_delete: Deletes the data at the given index of the list.

gcolList_remove: Deletes the given data from list.

gcolList_search: Searches the given data in the list.

gcolList_get: Returns the data at the given index of the list.

gcolList_print: Prints the datas in the list.

gcolList_size: Returns the number of elements in the list.

Sample Code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gcol_list.h>

typedef struct {int x, y;} point_t; 

point_t *point_init(int x, int y){
    point_t *p = malloc(sizeof(point_t));
    p->x = x, p->y = y;
    return p;

void point_print(void_ptr pv){
    point_t *p = pv;
    printf("x: %d\ty: %d\n", p->x, p->y);

int point_cmp(void_ptr pv1, void_ptr pv2){
    point_t *p1 = pv1;
    point_t *p2 = pv2;
    if(p1->x == p2->x && p1->y == p2->y) return 0;
    return 1;

int main(){
    gcolList_ptr list = gcolList_initialize();

    point_t *point = point_init(7,11);

    gcolList_pushBack(list, point_init(1,1));
    gcolList_pushFront(list, point_init(4,0));
    gcolList_insert(list, 1, point_init(0,-1));
    gcolList_insert(list,0, point_init(9,3));
    gcolList_pushFront(list, point);

    gcolList_remove(list, point, NULL);
    gcolList_remove_m(list, point_cmp, point_t, 1, 1);

    gcolList_print(list, point_print);


    return 0;