k8pai / k8pai

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

k8pai.readme portfolio

Hello! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

I am Sudarsan K Pai. I'm highly skilled with JavaScript/TypeScript πŸ’» and all its associated runtimes. Someone who is always on the lookout for modern tools that would improve the experience of both the developers and end-users. Also a huge Productivity nerd who constantly tries to implement workflows and processes that would help me improve my productivity as a developer.

🌟 Technologies I've worked with:

  • React
  • Java
  • Node.js
  • Next.js
  • Prisma
  • Framer
  • MongoDB

Java Javascript Node js React Typescript Next js Git Mongo DB SQL Tailwindcss Bootstrap

🎊 Few of my awesome projects:

  1. Book-reselling - Next.js App: This Next.js application lets users effortlessly buy and sell books with features like selling, wishlisting, email sending for conformations etc. (visit live demo)

  2. Tailwind-Inputs - NPM Package: This NPM package offers a range of reusable, customizable components designed on the solid foundation of Tailwind CSS. (Checkout the Documentation)

  3. nextauth-cli: A CLI tool designed to streamline the initialization of next-auth configurations within Next.js projects and simplifies the process by generating base template files tailored to user-defined options. (Github Repo)

  4. Linkwrap - Next.js App: This Next.js application lets users effortlessly save, organize, and even scan links using a QR code for easy portability across devices. (Visit Linkwrap)

  5. PinIt - Chrome Extension: a user-friendly Chrome and Brave browser extension enabling effortless link saving and access, ensuring you never lose valuable links again. (Github Repo)

  6. Discussion Forum (Java): A Java-based discussion forum that empowers users to share their thoughts through upvoting and comments, fostering meaningful interactions. (Check it out)

And some onging projects to be completed... view more

πŸ“« How to reach me?

k8pai | Twitter k8pai | Discord
