k4l1sh / JorgeChaves

A scraping and cleaning discord bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a scraping and cleaning discord bot.

Web scraping

The bot scrapes news and gaming websites and put the content in form of messages on discord channels.


Selected channels will have all messages deleted after a configured amount of time.


It is configured to work with this template. It will fetch for new released trending games on metacritic and reddit information from communities such as r/world-news and r/steam-deals. It is also integrated with tweepy, so it will fetch new posts on twitter of world news and specific games.


Make sure to put your keys and tokens in order for it to work. See more information for how to create a discord bot and generate twitter keys and tokens

discord_token = os.environ['disctoken'] # discord bot token
consumer_key = os.environ['twikey'] # tweepy consumer key
consumer_secret = os.environ['twisecret'] # tweepy consumer secret
access_token = os.environ['twitoken'] # tweepy access token
access_token_secret = os.environ['twitokensecret'] # tweepy access token secret

You can run this bot on your own by placing your keys and tokens or set it on Heroku adding Config Vars disctoken twikey twisecret twitoken twitokensecret for your keys and tokens. If you are going to run on Heroku, make sure to include these buildpacks heroku/python, https://github.com/xrisk/heroku-opus.git and https://github.com/jonathanong/heroku-buildpack-ffmpeg-latest.git


A scraping and cleaning discord bot


Language:Python 100.0%