k1LoW / frgm

frgm is a meta snippet (fragment) manager.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

frgm Build Status

frgm is a meta snippet (fragment) manager.


Key features of frgm are:


Initialize frgm ( frgm init )

Initialize frgm.

  • Create or update config.toml
  • Set and create global.snippets_path ( create file or make directory )
$ frgm init

Write snippets ( frgm edit )

Write snippets.

The format of the frgm snippet is the following,

# Default group name of snippets
# Default is snippets file name
group: my-group
  # Unique identifier of snippet
  # Default is automatically generated
- uid: frgm-1ca779b751a5
  # Group name of snippet
  # Default is default group name of snippets
  group: command
  # Name of snippet
  name: Delete branch already merged
  # Content (command) of snippet
  content: git branch --merged | grep -v master | xargs git branch -d
  # Description of snippet
  desc: |
    1. lists the merged branches
    2. delete all merged branches except the master branch
    ref: https://example.com/path/to/link
  # Labels
  - git
  - cleanup
- name: ping
  content: ping

You can use the frgm edit command to edit snippets of global.snippets_path using the editor specified in $EDITOR.

$ EDITOR=emacs frgm edit

Export frgm snippets as * snippets ( frgm export )

Export snippets as Alfred snippets

$ frgm export --to ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/snippets --format alfred

Export snippets as pet snippets

$ frgm export --to /path/to/pet.toml --format pet

Export snippets as Markdown document.

$ frgm export --to /path/to/snippets.md --format md

Key Mapping:

frgm snippet key Default / Required Alfred pet Markdown
uid: Default is automatically generated uid - use as link.hash
group: Default is default group name of snippets or file name directory - use
name: required name description: use
desc: - - use
content: required snippet command: use
output: - output: use
labels: keyword tag: use

Fill uid, group ( frgm fill )

Fill and freeze uid: and group:.

$ frgm fill


# my-group.yml
- name: ping
  content: ping


# my-group.yml
- uid: frgm-6aa9d75f9d83
  group: my-group
  name: ping
  content: ping

Add snippets repository ( frgm repo add )

Add frgm snippets repository.

$ frgm repo add https://github.com/k1LoW/sample-frgm-snippets.git

Execute git pull in all snippets repositories ( frgm repo pull )

Execute git pull in all snippets repositories.

$ frgm repo pull

Import * snippets ( frgm import )

Import Alfred snippets

$ frgm import --from ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/snippets --format alfred

Convert * snippets ( frgm convert )

Convert history output into frgm snippets

$ history | tail -1
21344  frgm convert --format history --group from-history # Delete merged branch
$ history | tail -1 | frgm convert --format history --group from-history
- uid: history-8cc0c8477ec0
  group: from-history
  name: Delete merged branch
  content: git branch --merged | grep -v master | xargs git branch -d

Convert Alfred snippet file into frgm snippet

$ cat /path/to/alfredsnippet.json | frgm convert --format alfred --group search
- uid: frgm-46c29e119523
  group: search
  name: Search log file
  content: lsof -c nginx | grep -v .so | grep .log | awk '{print $9}' | sort | uniq
  - log

Convert pet snippets file into frgm snippets

$ cat /path/to/pet-snippets.toml. | frgm convert --format pet --group pet
- uid: pet-df7bb29f9681
  group: pet
  name: ping
  content: ping
  - network
  - google
- uid: pet-584a331fd6b0
  group: pet
  name: hello
  content: echo hello
  output: hello
  - sample

Use frgm snippets ( frgm list )

$ frgm list

zsh auto-complete from snippets using fzf (Ctrl+j)

function fzf-select-snippets() {
    BUFFER=$(frgm list --format ':content # :name [:group :labels] :uid' | fzf --reverse --border --preview "echo {} | rev | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | rev | frgm man")
    zle clear-screen
zle -N fzf-select-snippets
bindkey '^j' fzf-select-snippets

zsh auto-complete from snippets using peco (Ctrl+j)

function peco-select-snippets() {
    BUFFER=$(frgm list | peco --query "$LBUFFER")
    zle clear-screen
zle -N peco-select-snippets
bindkey '^j' peco-select-snippets

zsh auto-complete from history and snippets using peco (Ctrl+r)

function peco-select-history-and-snippets() {
    BUFFER=$((history -r -n 1 & frgm list) | peco --query "$LBUFFER")
    zle clear-screen
zle -N peco-select-history-and-snippets
bindkey '^R' peco-select-history-and-snippets


homebrew tap:

$ brew install k1LoW/tap/frgm


Download binany from releases page

go get:

$ go get github.com/k1LoW/frgm


frgm is a meta snippet (fragment) manager.

License:MIT License


Language:Go 98.5%Language:Makefile 1.5%