A simple (java based) MP3 tagger using drag&drop
I was quite unsatisfied by existing projects as they were slow in some places, or required a huge amount of clicks to tag, save and rename an audio file. Thus I started working on DragTag which is (currently) java based and operates via drag & drop. Files can dragged, edited, completed with data from external lookups (currently only discogs), saved and renamed/moved into your collections directory.
Nothing more, but nothing less ;)
Currently the project depends on json-simple to parse the json API from discogs, and JAudioTagger write the new tags back to file. The latter one will, most likely, be replaced in the future as KID3 gets write support.
For convenience, the .jar files for both dependencies are included.
Easiest way to build the project, is using eclipse. As it also depends on KID3 (https://github.com/k-a-z-u/KID3), you have to clone both projects into your workspace:
cd /path/to/eclipse/workspace
git clone https://github.com/k-a-z-u/DragTag.git
git clone https://github.com/k-a-z-u/KID3.git
After cloning, just import both into your workspace (File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace) and you should be ready to go.