jyscao / parallel-markets-webapp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Parallel Markets Investor Intake Web App

See this document for detailed specifications to the problem.

Dependencies & Building

Python 3 is available by default on almost all Linux and macOS systems. So you should in theory be able to just use Python's built-in pip package manager to install the 2 project dependencies.

However it's usually recommended that you create an isolated environment for your project to mitigate the possibility of installed packages (and their pulled-in dependencies) from breaking your base OS Python environment. Many popular and well established tools exist for this very purpose, such as venv, virtualenv, pipenv, poetry.

I personally prefer to use the Miniconda package & environment manager, which can be used as follows:

  1. Download the installation script from the Miniconda link above, run and follow the prompts to install

  2. $ conda create -n para-mark python=3 to create an environment dedicated to running this project

  3. $ conda activate para-mark to activate the above environment

  4. $ conda install flask flask-sqlalchemy to install the project dependencies

  5. cd into the project root, and you're ready to run the web application

Once complete, use $ conda deactivate to exit the conda environment

Run the Web App

At the project root, there is a CLI script for managing the database, which for simplicity's sake is chosen to be SQLite. Run $ ./db-cli.py -h to see all the options available.

For a quickstart of the web application, simply run $ ./db-cli.py -c, which will create an instance of a SQLite database at /tmp/parallel-markets/.

With the database intialized, the correct environment activated, execute $ flask run to serve the web app from your localhost interface. You can optionally pass a --port number if the default one of 5000 is taken.

In case, something doesn't work, you can set the environment variable FLASK_ENV to development to get thorough debugging help on the console and from the browser.

Combining all the above, we can do:

$ FLASK_ENV=development flask run --port=8000

Web App Usage

Once the app is served, it can be accessed from any browser at http://localhost:8000 or whichever port you selected.

The web app consists of a single page with multiple form inputs, which are used to sequentially enter information of potential investors. All information are required, they are:

  • first name
  • last name
  • date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • phone number (10-digit US/Canada)
  • address (street, US State, 5-digit zip code)
  • 1 or more documents to be uploaded to the server

If all information are valid, then the investor's info and his/her uploaded document(s) will be saved to the SQLite database created earlier. There are 2 tables in the database:

  • investor - contains all information
  • document - contain the file names of all uploads, with investor ID as the foreign key

Note: investor and document is a one-to-many relationship

To inspect the contents of the database, execute $ ./db-cli.py without any options, or specify a specific table with -i or -d for the investor and document table respectively.



  • detecting and handling updating phone numbers and/or addresses for existing investors with matching names & date of birth
  • encrypt uploaded files, since the uploaded documents likely contain sensitive data
  • allow skipping file upload when updating existing users
  • authentication & authorization
  • add page to allow supseruser to view all existing investors that have been entered
  • allow superuser or authenticated users to download their own uploaded file(s)

Database & Models

  • add normalized name columns to investor table
  • add more columns to the document table for storing useful file attributes: e.g. filetype (extension, MIME), size, upload date, etc.
  • use separate tables for investors' phone number(s) & address(es), since these can potentially be one-to-many relationships
  • use interfaces for the application model classes, which should allow switching DBs easier (SQLite doesn't support concurrent writes)
  • create database schema using SQL scripts instead of the ORM, to allow for better cross framework/language portability

Application Logic

  • add application config file for convenient configuration of database storage location, upload folder, secret key, etc.
  • use WTForms to properly validate form inputs (e.g. allow international phone numbers)


  • add styles using a CSS library (e.g. Bootstrap, Tailwind)
  • use more appropriate input forms where applicable (e.g. date-picker for DOB, dropdown for US State)


  • add tests



Language:Python 82.6%Language:HTML 17.4%