jyothepro / boilerstrap

Instant webpage. Just add creativity. A mashup of HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A ready to go website that integrates Boostrap and HTML5 Boilerplate. More best practices than you know what to do with.

We support coffeescript, sass, and less.

How to Use:

  • rake watch will build everything and watch for new changes.
  • Always link from bin, put your code in src (to compile) and lib (to leave alone)
  • Use folders in src to specify what you want to concatenate together

Basic Structure & Instructions:

  • Rakefile - Run rake to just build and rake watch to build and watch
  • css
    • bin - All compiled css files end up here
    • lib - Not touched by Rakefile. You should include from src.
    • src - All raw css, or less, or sass files. They are compiled and copied one-to-one to the css/bin directory. Use Less or Sass @include directives to combine multiple files together. If using raw css, use subfolders to concatenate files.
      • your_subfolder - All css (ONLY) files are concatenated and put in css/bin as subfolder.css
  • js
    • bin - All compiled js files. Each file has a regular and minified version.
    • lib - Not touched by Rakefile. Meant for things like jQuery, or anything else you don't want compiled.
    • src - All raw javascript and/or coffeescript files go here. They are compiled and copied one-to-one to the js/bin directory. Use subfolders if you want concatenation.
      • global - All files put in here will be concatenated, compiled, and put in js/bin as global.js and global.min.js
      • your_subfolder - All files in 'your_subfolder' are concatenated, compiled, and put in js/bin as your_subfolder.js and your_subfolder.min.js

Best Practices

  • Use the built-in @include directives of less and sass to include files from css/lib.
  • Think carefully about what you actually want to concatenate, and what you want to independently load.
  • All javascript (except modernizr itself) should be loaded with Modernizr.


  • gem install watchr - To enable code watching
  • npm install -g uglify-js - To minify javascript
  • npm install -g coffee-script - To compile coffeescript if you use any
  • npm install -g less - To compile LESS if you use any
  • gem install sass - To compile SASS if you use any


Instant webpage. Just add creativity. A mashup of HTML5 Boilerplate and Bootstrap