jylink / yolov5-onnx-tensorrt

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Yolov5 in Pytorch (.pt) --> .onnx --> TensorRT engine (.trt)

Another way without using onnx is: yolov5 --> tensorrt api (see wang-xinyu/tensorrtx), but everytime you have to modify the tensorrt api after you change the model structure


Train your model based on ultralytics/yolov5

Also supports:

Export onnx

yolov5 has an official onnx export. Export your onnx with --grid --simplify to include the detect layer (otherwise you have to config the anchor and do the detect layer work during postprocess)

Q: I can't export onnx with --grid --simplify / the exported onnx is broken

A: change the following lines in yolov5/models/yolo.py

# y[..., 0:2] = (y[..., 0:2] * 2. - 0.5 + self.grid[i]) * self.stride[i]  # xy
# y[..., 2:4] = (y[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * self.anchor_grid[i]  # wh
# z.append(y.view(bs, -1, self.no))
xy = (y[..., 0:2] * 2. - 0.5 + self.grid[i]) * self.stride[i]  # xy
wh = (y[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * self.anchor_grid[i].view(bs, self.na, 1, 1, 2)  # wh
rest = y[..., 4:]
y_ = torch.cat((xy, wh, rest), -1)
z.append(y_.view(bs, -1, self.no))

Convert to tensorrt engine

python tools/export_trt.py --model xxx.onnx --out xxx.trt --fp 16

Q: I can't convert onnx to trt

A: same as the q&a of previous section


Run demo:

python demo.py

Performance on jetson nano:

model input preprocess inference postprocess total
yolov5s (352x608) 1080x1920 8ms 44ms 3ms 56ms

Other tricks

  • independent preprocess and postprocess which could hide into other thread
  • add x=x/255 to Model.forward_once in yolov5/models/yolo.py, set incl_norm: true in your xxx.yaml
  • fast nms using cuda (setup: cd utils && python setup_nms.py build)




Language:Python 83.3%Language:Cuda 16.2%Language:C++ 0.5%