jyhong836 / MarkdownAttribute

A Markdown parser for converting Markdown string to NSAttributedString.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A Markdown parser for converting Markdown string to NSAttributedString. The target is to create an pretty and customizable Markdown-NSAttributedString parser. You can open MarkdownExample.playground to view the effect and example.

This project uses MMMarkdown to parse markdown string, and use some code from CocoaMarkdown to convert them to NSAttributedString. For testing, the test codes from Markingbird is used, which are translated from MarkingSharp. The test benchmarks are original from website, which have been illustrated in !readme.txt file in test folders. The license of them have been included in 'LICENSE' file.


By using MMMarkdown, you can convert markdown string to NSAttributedString with a workaround: (Markdown → HTML → NSAttributedString)

let html = try MMMarkdown.HTMLStringWithMarkdown(markdownString)
let astr = NSAttributedString(HTML: html.dataUsingEncoding(NSUnicodeStringEncoding)!, documentAttributes: nil)

Abviously, it's more efficient to convert NSAttributedString directly (Markdown → HTML → NSAttributedString).

And the workaround presented above would be unable to convert image or table(not beatiful at least), which is possible when transform directly.

How to use and make customize

You can open MarkdownExample.playground to view the example. Or just try yourself:

let mm = MAMarkdown()
let astr = try mm.attributedString(markdown: yourMarkdownString)
mm.extensions = MMMarkdownExtensions.GitHubFlavored // Use GFM extension.
let astr = try MAMarkdown.attributedString(markdown: yourMarkdownString)

And it's convenient to apply your text style by create a class that conforms to MATextAttributesProvider to provide your attributes.

class YourTextAttributesProvider : MATextAttributesProvider { ... }
let mm = MAMarkdown(textAttributesProvider: YourTextAttributesProvider())
let astr = try mm.attributedString(markdown: yourMarkdownString)


  • Complete basic markdown syntax
  • Complete extensions
  • Enable to custom style


As moset framework projects, you just need add them to your project or workspace and link them.

  1. Add MarkdownAttribute as a git submodule. (git submodule add https://github.com/jyhong836/MarkdownAttribute.git <path>)

  2. Add MarkdownAttribute.xcodeproj to your project or workspace

  3. Add MarkdownAttribute.framework to the ”Link Binary with Libraries" section of your project's “Build Phases”.

  4. Add MarkdownAttribute.framework to a ”Copy Files” build phase that copies it to the Frameworks destination.


MarkdownAttribute is available under the [MIT License][].


A Markdown parser for converting Markdown string to NSAttributedString.



Language:HTML 56.8%Language:Swift 42.7%Language:Objective-C 0.6%