jyangtum / NavVis-Indoor-Dataset

An extensive collection of geo-referenced images from large-scale indoor spaces

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TUM LSI Dataset

The TU Munich Large-Scale Indoor (TUM LSI) Dataset was introduced and used for evaluation in Walch et al. (2017) for image-based localization.

Deep learning for image-based indoor localization

Introducing LSTMs for structured feature correlation, Walch et al. use TUM LSI data in order to train and evaluate deep learning approaches for image-based indoor localization. Their results show that learning-based approaches are on par with, or even outperform, traditional local-feature-based methods.


TUM LSI is a subset of NavVis Indoor Dataset (see below). It comprises 1,314 high-resolution images, covering 5,575 m2 of one entire floor of a university building.

  • Within NavVis Indoor Dataset, the scan ID for TUM LSI Dataset is 2015-08-16_15.34.11.
  • Please note that Walch et al. used only cameras cam0 through cam4 (i.e. skipping the upwards-facing camera at each capture location), resulting in a total of 1,095 images used for evaluation in the paper.
  • The partitioning into training and test sets as used by Walch et al. can be found in the files tum-lsi_train.txt and tum-lsi_test.txt.
  • Note that images are stored in portrait format and were not rotated. For preparing the images, Walch et al. followed [1, section 3.2] and first rescaled horizontally to 256 pixels, then performed random crops to 224x224.

[1] A. Kendall, M. Grimes, and R. Cipolla. Posenet: A convolutional network for real-time 6-dof camera relocalization. In IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2015

NavVis Indoor Dataset (setup in progress)

An extensive collection of geo-referenced images from large-scale indoor spaces

  • More than 50,000 high-resolution images (still images, not video frames)
  • Covering more than 50,000 m2 of 12 different buildings at Technical University of Munich
  • Extrinsic poses for all images in a geo-referenced coordinate system
  • Recorded between August 2015 and March 2016
  • Large variety of indoor spaces (e.g. architectural styles and lighting conditions)

How To Get The Images

If you would like to receive access to NavVis Indoor Dataset or TUM LSI Dataset images, please fill out and submit this form in which you agree to the NavVis Indoor Dataset End-User License Agreement.

Data Organization

  • The dataset is organized by individual contiguous scans.
  • Images and corresponding poses are stored in separate directory structures called images and poses.
  • Each scan is identified by its unique timestamp <scan_timestamp>.
  • The images directory contains a subdirectory for each scan named <scan_timestamp> which stores all corresponding images.
  • Images are grouped in sets of six. Each set was taken at the same time and (roughly) at the same capture location. The six images per set are numbered cam0 to cam5.
  • The total number of capture locations can vary per scan. They are numbered starting from 00000.

The complete directory structure is as follows:

|-- <scan_timestamp>
|   |-- 00000-cam0.jpg // first image of first capture location
|   |-- 00000-cam1.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam2.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam3.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam4.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam5.jpg // last image of first capture location
|   |-- 00001-cam0.jpg // first image of second capture location
|   |-- 00001-cam1.jpg
|   |-- 00001-cam2.jpg
|   |-- 00001-cam3.jpg
|   |-- 00001-cam4.jpg
|   |-- 00001-cam5.jpg // last image of second capture location
|   |-- 00002-cam0.jpg
|   ...
|-- <scan_timestamp>
|   |-- 00000-cam0.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam1.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam2.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam3.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam4.jpg
|   |-- 00000-cam5.jpg
|   ...
|-- <scan_timestamp>

|-- geo-refrence.xml // Global geo-reference of root node and 
|                    // coordinate transformations to indiviual scan coordinate systems
|-- <scan_timestamp>_poses.xml // Pose coordinates of all images in the scan with name <scan_timestamp>
|-- <scan_timestamp>_poses.xml
|-- <scan_timestamp>_poses.xml

Data Formats

NavVis Indoor Dataset is comprised of images and corresponding extrinsic poses.


  • File format: jpeg
  • Image size: 4592 × 3448 pixels


Poses are specified by way of a transformation tree: The root of the tree is a global geo-reference in WGS84 coordinates. The root spans a local metric coordinate system in which the various scan coordinate systems are specified. Each scan, in turn, spans its own coordinate system, in which corresponding image poses are given.

  • File format: xml
  • Global geo-reference (root node): WGS84
    • Longitude, latitude, height above ground, 1D rotation (yaw angle)
  • Scan coordinate systems:
    • 6DoF transformation w.r.t. root node
    • 3D translation: 3x1 vector (x,y,z)
    • 3D rotation: 4x1 quaternion (w,x,y,z)
  • Image poses:
    • 6DoF transformation w.r.t. scan coordinate system
    • Extrinsic parameters only
    • 3D translation specifying the image position in its dataset frame: 3x1 vector (x,y,z)
    • 3D rotation specifying the image orientation in its dataset frame: 4x1 quaternion (w,x,y,z)


If you use NavVis Indoor Dataset or TUM LSI Dataset, please cite:

 author = "Florian Walch and
           Caner Hazirbas and
           Laura Leal{-}Taix{\'{e}} and
           Torsten Sattler and
           Sebastian Hilsenbeck and
           Daniel Cremers",
 title = "Image-based localization using LSTMs for structured feature correlation",
 month = "October",
 year = "2017",
 booktitle = "IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)",
 url       = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1611.07890}



NavVis Indoor Dataset and TUM LSI Dataset are provided under the NavVis Indoor Dataset End-User License Agreement.


If you need help with anything, please contact us at research@navvis.com


An extensive collection of geo-referenced images from large-scale indoor spaces