jwundrak / n98-magerun2

The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API.

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netz98 magerun CLI tools for Magento 2

The n98 magerun cli tools provides some handy tools to work with Magento from command line.

Build Status

Latest Release





Development Branch





Development is done in develop branch.

This software is only running with Magento 2.

If you use Magento 1 please use another stable version (https://github.com/netz98/n98-magerun).


The tools will automatically be tested for multiple PHP versions. It's currently running in various Linux distributions and Mac OS X. Microsoft Windows is not fully supported (some Commands like db:dump or install are excluded).


There are three ways to install the tools:

Download and Install Phar File

Download the latest stable N98-Magerun phar-file from the file-server:

or if you prefer to use Curl:

Verify the download by comparing the SHA256 checksum with the one on the website:

If it shows the same checksum as on the website, you downloaded the file successfully.

Now you can make the phar-file executable:

The base-installation is now complete and you can verify it:

The command should execute successfully and show you the version number of N98-Magerun like:

You now have successfully installed Magerun! You can tailor the installation further like installing it system-wide and enable autocomplete - read on for more information about these and other features.

If you want to use the command system wide you can copy it to /usr/local/bin.

Install with Composer

Require Magerun within the Magento (or any other) project and you can then execute it from the vendor’s bin folder:

Install with Homebrew

First you need to have homebrew installed: http://brew.sh/

Install homebrew-php tap: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-php#installation

Once homebrew and the tap are installed, you can install the tools with it:

You can now use the tools:


There is a self-update command available. This works only for phar-distribution.

With --dry-run option it is possible to download and test the phar file without replacing the old one.


Files for autocompletion with Magerun can be found inside the folder res/autocompletion, In the following some more information about a specific one (Bash), there are more (e.g. Fish, Zsh).


Bash completion is available pre-generated, all commands and their respective options are availble on tab. To get completion for an option type two dashes ("--") and then tab.

To install the completion files, copy n98-magerun2.phar.bash to your bash compatdir folder for autocompletion.

On my Ubuntu system this can be done with the following command:

The concrete folder can be obtained via pkg-config:

# pkg-config --variable=compatdir bash-completion

Detailed information is available in the bash-completions FAQ: https://github.com/scop/bash-completion#faq

Usage / Commands

All commands try to detect the current Magento root directory. If you have multiple Magento installations you must change your working directory to the preferred installation.

You can list all available commands by:

$ n98-magerun2.phar list

If you don't have the .phar file installed system wide you can call it with the PHP CLI interpreter:

php n98-magerun2.phar list

Global config parameters:


Force Magento root dir. No auto detection.


Do not load any custom config.


Do not check if n98-magerun2 runs as root.

Open Shop in Browser

Customer Info

Loads basic customer info by email address.

Create customer

Creates a new customer/user for shop frontend.


List Customers

List customers. The output is limited to 1000 (can be changed by overriding config). If search parameter is given the customers are filtered (searchs in firstname, lastname and email).

Change customer password

  • Website parameter must only be given if more than one websites are available.

Magento Installer

  • Downloads Composer (if not already installed)
  • Downloads Magento 2.
  • Tries to create database if it does not exist.
  • Installs Magento sample data.
  • Starts Magento installer
  • Sets rewrite base in .htaccess file

Interactive installer:

Unattended installation:

Example of an unattended Magento CE dev beta 1 installation:

Additionally, with --noDownload option you can install Magento working copy already stored in --installationFolder on the given database.

Magento system info

Provides info like the edition and version or the configured cache backends.

Magento Stores

Lists all store views.

Magento Websites

Lists all websites.

Set Config


path The config path value The config value


--scope The config value's scope (default: "default" | Can be "default", "websites", "stores") --scope-id The config value's scope ID (default: "0") --encrypt Encrypt the config value using crypt key

Get Config


path The config path


--scope The config value's scope (default, websites, stores) --scope-id The config value's scope ID --decrypt Decrypt the config value using crypt key defined in env.php --update-script Output as update script lines --magerun-script Output for usage with config:store:set --format Output as json, xml or csv


If path is not set, all available config items will be listed. path may contain wildcards (*)


Delete Config


path The config path


--scope The config scope (default, websites, stores) --scope-id The config value's scope ID --all Deletes all entries of a path (ignores --scope and --scope-id)

Display ACL Tree


Prints acl.xml data as table

Print Dependency Injection Config Data


type Type (class)


--scope (-s) Config scope (global, adminhtml, frontend, webapi_rest, webapi_soap, ...) (default: "global")

List Magento cache status

Clean Magento cache

Cleans expired cache entries.

If you would like to clean only one cache type:

If you would like to clean multiple cache types at once:

If you would like to remove all cache entries use cache:flush

Run cache:list command to see all codes.

Remove all cache entries

Keep in mind that cache:flush cleares the cache backend, so other cache types in the same backend will be cleared as well.

List Magento caches

Disable Magento cache

If no code is specified, all cache types will be disabled. Run cache:list command to see all codes.

Enable Magento cache

If no code is specified, all cache types will be enabled. Run cache:list command to see all codes.

Dump database

Dumps configured Magento database with mysqldump.

  • Requires MySQL CLI tools


filename Dump filename



Adds time to filename (only if filename was not provided)

--compression (-c)

Compress the dump file using one of the supported algorithms


Print only mysqldump command. Do not execute


Execute and prints not output except the dump filename


Do everything but the actual dump


Do not use single-transaction (not recommended, this is blocking)


Use a single insert with column names per row.


Use one insert statement, but with line breaks instead of separate insert statements.


Include stored routines in dump (procedures & functions).


Dump to stdout


Tables to strip (dump only structure of those tables)


Tables to exclude entirely from the dump (including structure)

--force (-f)

Do not prompt if all options are defined

Only the mysqldump command:

Or directly to stdout:

Use compression (gzip cli tool has to be installed):

Stripped Database Dump

Dumps your database and excludes some tables. This is useful for development or staging environments where you may want to provision a restricted database.

Separate each table to strip by a space. You can use wildcards like * and ? in the table names to strip multiple tables. In addition you can specify pre-defined table groups, that start with an @ Example: "dataflow_batch_export unimportant_module* @log

Available Table Groups:

  • @dotmailer Dotmailer data(email_abandoned_cart email_automation email_campaign email_contact)
  • @customers Customer data (and company data from the B2B extension)
  • @development Removes logs, sessions, trade data and admin users so developers do not have to work with real customer data or admin user accounts
  • @ee_changelog Changelog tables of new indexer since EE 1.13
  • @idx Tables with _idx suffix and index event tables
  • @log Log tables
  • @quotes Cart (quote) data
  • @sales Sales data (orders, invoices, creditmemos etc)
  • @search Search related tables (catalogsearch)
  • @sessions Database session tables
  • @stripped Standard definition for a stripped dump (logs and sessions)
  • @trade Current trade data (customers, orders and quotes). You usually do not want those in developer systems.

Clear static view files


--theme The specific theme(s) to clear

To clear assets for all themes:

To clear assets for specific theme(s) only:

EAV Attributes

View the data for a particular attribute:

Generate Gift Card Pool

Generates a new gift card pool.

Create a Gift Card

You may specify a website ID or use the default. You may also optionally add an expiration date to the gift card using the --expires option. Dates should be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

View Gift Card Information

Remove a Gift Card

Compare Setup Versions

Compares module version with saved setup version in setup_module table and displays version mismatchs if found.

  • If a filename with --log-junit option is set the tool generates an XML file and no output to stdout.

Change Setup Version

Changes the version of a module. This command is useful if you want to re-run an upgrade script again possibly for debugging. Alternatively you would have to alter the row in the database manually.

Downgrade Setup Versions

Downgrade the versions in the database to the module version from its xml file if necessary. Useful while developing and switching branches between module version changes.

Dump Media folder

Creates a ZIP archive with media folder content.

Interactive Development Console

Opens PHP interactive shell with initialized Magento Admin-Store.

Variable $di is made available with a Magento\Framework\ObjectManagerInterface instance to allow creation of object instances.

The interactive console works as REPL . It's possible to enter any PHP code. The code will be executed immediately. The interactive console also comes with a lot of embedded commands.

It's possible to add initial commands to the interactive console. Commands should be delimited by a semicolon. You can mix PHP-Code with embedded interactive console commands.


The interactive console comes with a extendable code generator tool to create i.e. modules, cli commands, controllers, blocks, helpers etc.

The console can be in a module context which allows you to generate code for a selected module.

The basic idea of the stateful console was developed by Jacques Bodin-Hullin in this great tool Installer.

n98-magerun Shell

If you need autocompletion for all n98-magerun commands you can start with "shell command".

n98-magerun Script

Run multiple commands from a script file.


# Set multiple config
config:store:set "web/cookie/cookie_domain" example.com

# Set with multiline values with "\n"
config:store:set "general/store_information/address" "First line\nSecond line\nThird line"

# This is a comment

Optionally you can work with unix pipes.

It is even possible to create executable scripts:

Create file test.magerun and make it executable (chmod +x test.magerun):

Pre-defined variables:

  • ${magento.root} -> Magento Root-Folder
  • ${magento.version} -> Magento Version i.e.
  • ${magento.edition} -> Magento Edition -> Community or Enterprise
  • ${magerun.version} -> Magerun version i.e. 2.1.0
  • ${php.version} -> PHP Version
  • ${script.file} -> Current script file path
  • ${script.dir} -> Current script file dir

Variables can be passed to a script with "--define (-d)" option.


It's possible to define multiple values by passing more than one option.


The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API.




Language:PHP 89.9%Language:Shell 9.3%Language:HTML 0.8%