jwmoss / Twitter

Repo for Discussion and writing of new PowerShell Twitter module

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Repo for Discussion and writing of new PowerShell Twitter module

This repo was created to discuss and write a new PowerShell Twitter module.

Work in Progress

Please consider this a work in progress. At this point, anything and everything could changed.

Also, expect errors, though I have tried to keep those at minimum.


  • Apply for a developer account here
    • API Key
    • API Secret
    • Access Token
    • Access Token Secret
  • PowerShell 7


$SecretStuff = @{
    ApiKey = '##########################'
    ApiSecret = '####################################################'
    AccessToken = '####################################################'
    AccessTokenSecret = '#############################################'

Set-TwitterOAuthToken @SecretStuff

(Search-Tweet -SearchString "(from:rtpsug)" -MaxResults 100).statuses

Current Capabilities

Public functions

Here is list of current public functions.

  • Get-SendMediaStatus
  • Get-Tweet
  • Get-TweetLikes
  • Get-TwitterAccountSettings
  • Get-TwitterApiEndpoint
  • Get-TwitterBlocks
  • Get-TwitterConfiguration
  • Get-TwitterFollowers
  • Get-TwitterFriend
  • Get-TwitterFriendship
  • Get-TwitterLanguages
  • Get-TwitterList
  • Get-TwitterListByOwner
  • Get-TwitterMutedUser
  • Get-TwitterRateLimitStatus
  • Get-TwitterRateLimitWarning
  • Get-TwitterSavedSearches
  • Get-TwitterTimeline
  • Get-TwitterUser
  • Get-TwitterUserList
  • Get-TwitterUserProfileBanner
  • Search-Tweet
  • Send-TwitterMedia
  • Set-Retweet
  • Set-TweetLike
  • Set-TwitterRateLimitWarning
  • Unpublish-TwitterDM

Command Verbs

Verb Usage Example
Get Get a resource Get-TwitterTimeLine -Home
Publish Tweet or Direct Message Publish-Tweet -TweetText 'Check out this pic of #Snoopy' -MediaId $UploadedPic.media_id
Unpublish Delete Tweet or Direct Message Unpublish-TwitterDM -DirectMessageId 1239876543210147852
Set Like, Unlink, Retweet, Unretweet Set-Tweet -Id 12345567896321478 -Like
Search Text search for a user or tweet Search-Tweet -SearchString '#PSTweetChat'
Send Send media Send-TwitterMedia -Path $PathToImage -Category TweetImage -AltImageText 'A bowl of froot loops'

Private Functions

API Calls

The module has three functions that will make API calls dependent on if it's a single request, a cursored request, or a paged request.

  • Invoke-TwitterCursorRequest
  • Invoke-TwitterPageRequest
  • Invoke-TwitterRequest


The Write-TwitterResponseData function handles all of the non-error output, which includes sending key response data to the Information stream.

For the most part, the output is the response from Invoke-Method. The output of some commands contains only the property that's required which should always be an array of other others.

The function that handles errors, New-TwitterErrorRecord, also sends response data to the Information stream.


OAuthParameters Class

The cornerstone of the module is the [OAuthParameters] class which handles moving the URL and query to Invoke-TwitterRequest. It's primary function (method, actually) is to generate the OAuth signature string.

Developer Account Tokens

Currently, any user of the module would need to apply for a Twitter Developer account and create an application in the portal.

Until we add a Set-OAuthTokens or similar function, you will need to have a global variable called $OAuth. It should contain a hashtable as you see below.

$OAuth = @{
    ApiKey = '##########################'
    ApiSecret = '####################################################'
    AccessToken = '####################################################'
    AccessTokenSecret = '#############################################'

Things to Do

There is still a considerable amount of work to be done before this can get to the PSGallery.

  • Proper module scaffolding
  • Pester tests
  • Help
    • Possibly external-based XML using PlatyPS with docs on ReadTheDocs
  • TweetText processor (currently there no check for length)
  • Exploration of PIN-OAuth
    • This will entail a security discussion on key storage
  • Additional commands
    • Such as Set-TwitterAuthentication, Get-TwitterList, Publish-TweetThread


Repo for Discussion and writing of new PowerShell Twitter module

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%