jwgilbert / WebDevBootcamp.github.io


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WebDevBootcamp Website


This site uses jekyll specifically github's flavor of jekyll called pages.


NO setup is required. If you do want to test your changes locally then you need to run Jekyll.

Installing Jekyll Locally (optional)

For Linux, Unix or Mac OS X: Installation

For Window: Installation

Running (optional)

on the command line in the root of the project (this folder)

  jekyll serve -w

Creating your own section

For Students

Create a folder under 'students/spring2014' perferably following the first letter and last name in all lowercase.

To start blogging create a _posts folder in your newly created user directory.

To write a post just create a file with the following format 'YYYY-MM-DD-Blog-Post-Title.{extension}'

The extension you use will determine how your blog page is parsed. (md, textile or html).

Each post should have meta data associated with it. See the Metadata section.


  • layout: defines the template to use. use post for default.
  • title: The title of your blog post
  • author: Author name (optional)
  • authorLink: can be a url or a relative path ie: /students/spring2014/{folder} (optional)
  • tags: space separated tags that describe the content of your post
  • published: set to true if you want it visible
  • summary: A brief description (optional)
  • image: url to an image to show above your content (optional)
  • comments: true (optional)


    layout: post
    title: How-to Write a Post
    author: Nathan White
    authorLink: /instructors/nw
    tags: howto general
    published: true
    summary: A quick test
    image: http://placehold.it/900x300
    comments: true




License:MIT License