This is a TF2 sourcemod plugin I wrote for the EOTL community.
This plugin is targeted towards playload maps and allows setting the maximum time the round timer can be. EOTL's Payload Extreme runs with fast spawn times, that coupled with this plugin speeds up game play so you aren't stuck trying to capture/defend the same point for 15+ minutes.
The plugin will do its check whenever time is added to the timer (ie when a point is captured).
eotl_maxtimer_time [seconds]
Max time the round timer can be in seconds. A value that is <= 0 will disable the plugin.
Default: 315
eotl_maxtimer_time_cashworks_cp3 [seconds]
pl_cashworks* has some badly placed capture point locations relative to choke locations, which makes having the same maxtimer for all sections of the map not work well. This convar allows setting a specific maxtimer for capture point 3 (before the bridge). Note: we normally make eotl_maxtimer_timer be 375 on pl_cashworks, and leave this convar the default.
Default: 315