jw2340 / wikistack-react-project

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Wikistack React/Redux

Hello - it's your old pal, Wikistack! The last time we met, you worked on the back-end to implement Sequelize models and then rendered them out using a templating engine (nunjucks).

This time, the tables have turned - you'll be working solely on the front-end to re-implement some of my basic functionality using react, redux, and react-redux.

Your Starting Point

You will be given part of the original Wikistack application. At first, you will only be able to navigate between http://localhost:3001/#/wiki and http://localhost:3001/#/wiki/add, which will show a form to add new wiki pages.

To begin the project, first create a postgres database called 'wikistack-react' (createdb wikistack-react). Then, npm install and npm start.

Your Task

Your task is to make it so that when you submit a new wiki page from /#/wiki/add, that page will be saved in the database, and when you navigate to /#/wiki, you see a list of all wiki pages in the database (including any that were just added). That's the minimum goal, but this project is open-ended; add more features at will!

Minimum Project Requirements

User Requirements

  • Navigating to http://localhost:3001/#/wiki should show a list of all of the wiki pages. The entries in this list must persist after a refresh.
  • Navigating to http://localhost:3001/#/wiki/add should show a form to add a new wiki page
  • Submitting a (validly filled out) form entry should add a new wiki page to the database
  • Navigating to http://localhost:3001/#/wiki AFTER submitting a new wiki page should display the new wiki page in the list (WITHOUT requiring a refresh).

Technical Requirements

  • The list of wiki pages must be contained in a redux store
  • You should use react-redux to connect your React components to your Redux store
  • Any AJAX requests (i.e. any axios calls) must be in a thunk

Primary focus

  • Understanding and getting up to speed on a small react/react-router codebase
  • Creating a redux store from scratch and connecting it to React components using react-redux
  • Handling asynchronous data flow in a React/Redux application
  • Independent decision-making in implementing project features

Not required (but can augment at will)

  • Writing express routes
  • Writing sequelize models
  • Implementing new Routes with react-router


What is this for?

  • This is a self-directed exercise for continuing to master React and Redux topics.
  • It is also used as an assignment for some students when we wish them to demonstrate a more solid understanding of React and Redux.

May I work with others?

Because some of your cohort-mates may be doing this as an assigned project, we ask that do this project solo.

Once I complete the minimum requirements, should I continue to implement more features?

YES! We welcome and encourage you to continue to implement more features once you have finished with the minimal requirements above - it is excellent practice for the kind of work you will encounter in senior phase.

For this reason, we've kept all of the original HTML template files from wikistack in the project (in the OLD-views directory - feel free to use them to continue to expand your work).



Language:JavaScript 65.3%Language:HTML 34.2%Language:CSS 0.5%