jvinet / node-router

A simple http server for node.js that has sinatra like qualities. Ideal for generating web services via node.

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Node-router is a small simple node.js http server that makes building simple web-services super simple.

Node libraries

There are two ways to include this library in your node project. You can either copy the node-router.js file in the same directory as your script and require it with a relative path:

var server = require('./node-router');

Or you can copy node-router.js to somewhere in your require.paths array. Then you can use a global require like:

var server = require('node-router');

See the node docs for more details.

Hello World example

This example has a single get route that returns the string hello world. If there is path after the root, it will be put in place of hello world.

var server = require('node-router');

function hello(req, res, match) {
  res.simpleHtml(200, "Hello " + (match || "World") + "!");

server.get(new RegExp("^/(.*)$"), hello);

RESTful Resources made easy

server.resource maps a group of the common routes for a RESTful resource. There is also a controller generator that makes building a simple in-memory data controller easy.

var server = require('node-router');

var people = [
	{ name: "Bob", age: 47, programmer: false },
	{ name: "Tim", age: 27, programmer: true },
	{ name: "Jack", age: 3, programmer: false}

function on_change(id) {
	node.debug(id, JSON.stringify(people[id]));

server.resource("people", server.resourceController("people", people), on_change);

Backend for SproutCore Todos example application.

This is a node.js backend for the Todos example in the SproutCore documentation. http://wiki.sproutcore.com/Todos+01-Create+Your+SproutCore+Application

// This is a sample backend for the SproutCore todos demo using node-router.
// It uses an in-memory data store and writes it to disk on change
// for persistance.
// This provides the same REST style api as the merb example and even hosts
// on port 4000. It's a drop in replacement for the sample merb backend.

var server = require('node-router');

var tasks;

// Simple utility that allows mapping over any object
// as if it were a hash.  Calls fn(key, value) for each pair.
Object.prototype.map_pairs = function (fn) {
	var accum = [];
	for (key in this) {
		if (this.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
			accum.push(fn(key, this[key]));
	return accum;

// Convert raw data to part of REST response
function json_for_task(id, task) {
	task = task || {};
	return {
		guid: "/tasks/" + id,
		description: task.description,
		order: task.order,
		isDone: task.is_done

function apply_json_to_task(task, json_hash) {
  task.description = json_hash['description'];
  task.order = json_hash['order'];
  task.is_done = json_hash['isDone'];

// Serialize the data to the disk
function save_data() {
  var fd = node.fs.open("tasks.db", node.O_WRONLY, 0666).wait();
  node.fs.write(fd, JSON.stringify(tasks)).wait();

// Load the data from the disk
function load_data(callback) {
	// Load the database from disk
	var promise = node.fs.cat("tasks.db", "utf8");
	promise.addCallback(function (json) {
		tasks = JSON.parse(json);
	promise.addErrback(function () {
		tasks = [];

// This handles the REST requests and generates the responses
var tasksController = {
	index: function (req, res) {
		res.simpleJson(200, {content: tasks.map_pairs(json_for_task), self: '/tasks'});
	show: function (req, res, id) {
		var task = tasks[id];
		if (task) {
			res.simpleJson(200, {content: json_for_task(id, task), self: '/tasks/' + id});
		} else {
	create: function (req, res) {
		req.jsonBody(function (json) {
			var task = {}, id, url;
			json = json && json.content;
			if (!json) {
			} else {
				apply_json_to_task(task, json);
				id = tasks.length + 1;
				tasks[id] = task;
				tasks.length += 1;
				url = "/tasks/" + id;
				res.simpleJson(201, {content: json_for_task(id, task), self: url}, [["Location", url]]);
	update: function (req, res, id) {
		req.jsonBody(function (json) {
			var task = {}, new_id, url;
			json = json && json.content;
			if (!json) {
			} else {
				apply_json_to_task(task, json);
				tasks[id] = task;
				res.simpleJson(200, {content: json_for_task(id, task), self: "/tasks/" + id});
	destroy: function (req, res, id) {
		res.simpleJson(200, "200 Destroyed");

// Mount our controller as a RESTful resource
server.resource('tasks', tasksController);

// Load the datastore
puts("Loading data from file...");
load_data(function (success) {
	// Kickoff the server
	if (success) {
	} else {
		puts("Error, creating empty tasks array");
	// And start the server when done


A simple http server for node.js that has sinatra like qualities. Ideal for generating web services via node.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%