juxt / card

Not sure what this is. A kind-of Zettelkasten?

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • Node.JS

  • Yarn

  • A login to home.juxt.site or a Site server on localhost for local development

  • The <site>/bin/site executable available on the path.

  • install dependencies with:


If you have a home.juxt.site login:

  • set SITE_BASE_URI to https://home.juxt.site (you can use something like direnv to automate this, by putting export SITE_BASE_URI=https://home.juxt.site into an .envrc file)

If you wish to run Site locally or you don’t yet have a login:

  • Be sure that either SITE_BASE_URI or juxt.home.card.config/site-api-origin is pointing at http://localhost:2021 in shadow-cljs.edn. This would be your running site server on localhost. Then seed the data with:



To run the full ClojureScript app, execute:

yarn dev

Currently the main parts of the application that are working should be visible at localhost:8000/people, make sure you have a valid site token first! (if you have set home.juxt.site as your SITE_BASE_URI as above, visit home.juxt.site and sign in to obtain the token)

If you wish to change only the visual UI components, you can run the storybook process with:

yarn storybook

StoryBook will have faster hot reload and startup times than the full CLJS app, but you will not be able to modify or test logic (outside of local component state such as forms/modals).

Project Setup

The project has two main parts. The CLJS files contain the entry point, routing setup, 'business logic' (which includes communication with Site), response data processing, definition of handler functions and top-level layout of view functions. However, most of the view code, including local state logic such as form validation, is defined in .tsx files in the src/js/ directory. Handler functions and data objects pass to the top level .tsx component files (e.g people.tsx) from the corresponding .cljs file (e.g people.cljs). When the cljs app runs, the .tsx files are transpilled into plain .js files in the gen directory so that shadow-cljs can import them.

If you plan to edit the .tsx files, please ensure you have prettier setup.

Common Issues

Please have a good read through the helix docs if you are having difficulties, there are some differences in how elements are created compared to reagent.

The most common is probably that you should not merge anything into a props map.

This is wrong:

($ EventCalendar
        {:isCurrentUser true
         :onDeleteEvent #(.mutate delete-mutation %)
         :onUpdateEvent #(.mutate update-mutation %)}

And this is correct:

($ EventCalendar
       {:isCurrentUser true
        :onDeleteEvent #(.mutate delete-mutation %)
        :onUpdateEvent #(.mutate update-mutation %)
        & props})


To release to production run:


This will build production bundles and deploy them to Site, where they will be available immediately.


Not sure what this is. A kind-of Zettelkasten?


Language:TypeScript 67.7%Language:Clojure 26.8%Language:JavaScript 2.3%Language:HTML 1.4%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:CSS 0.5%