juush / bd-dynamodb-scan-and-serialization

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Still in the ice cream business...


We are returning to the IceCreamParlorService you have seen in many previous lessons.

Today we aren't interested in making ice cream or serving sundaes. We came to check in on the business.

Recently the ice cream parlor started generating and persisting customer receipts. Finally we can check out the sales! A Receipt is persisted in DynamoDB, and has the following fields:

  • customerId - string, partition key, the purchasing customer
  • purchaseDate - string, sort key, the time and date the sundae(s) were ordered
  • totalSales - number, the total amount paid for the sundae(s) in the order

The IceCreamParlorAdminService will contain the new administrative APIs and will depend on the ReceiptDao that will provide access to Receipts.

Phase 0: Preliminaries

  1. Create the table we'll be using for this activity by running this aws CLI command:
    aws cloudformation create-stack --region us-west-2 --stack-name dynamodbscanandserialization-receiptstable --template-body file://cloudformation/dynamodbscanandserialization/ReceiptsTable.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM
  2. Make sure the aws command runs without error.
  3. Log into your AWS account and verify that the table exists and has sample data.
  4. Discuss the different attributes with your team to make sure you all understand what they represent.
  5. As a final verification, run the Phase0Test and make sure it passes.

GOAL: Receipts table is created in your AWS Account, the attributes make sense, and your ice cream parlor can generate a receipt.

Phase 0 is complete when:

  • You understand the Receipt data type
  • Receipts table exists with some sample data
  • Phase0Test passes

You will be using this project over two days. Depending on the day, please follow the appropriate README.

Serialization README

Scanning README



Language:Java 100.0%