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β€Œβ€Œ LOGO React Most Wanted

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I like short README's so here we go 😎

How to start?

Just run this command:

npm init react-app my-app --template rmw

I rather checkout the DEMO first. Where is it?

Here you go DEMO. The DEMO is just a DEMO. It has no real purpose "to do" some useful stuff. Just to show you what your project could look like.

What is this?

React Most Wanted is a React Starter Kit based on Create React App and Material-UI that uses Firebase.

Why should I use it?

Check this out:

  • It is built with CRA and even if you use this Starter Kit your CRA scripts will work properly. You will be able to make every CRA update as if you have started with it. We don't eject anyone from CRA πŸ˜„.
  • It is based on a library rmw-shell which keeps your project up to date when we make bugfixes or add new features. It is like a shell for your project where the hard work is already done for you.
  • There is a simple script to start a fresh project without forking anything npx create-react-app test-app --scripts-version rmw-react-scripts.
  • It has all "MOST WANTED" features built in. That is where the name comes from πŸ˜‰ We will come to the features bit a little bit later.
  • It is customizable.
  • It uses Firebase πŸ˜„.
  • It is a Best Practice Project PWA (Progressive Web Application).
  • You will love it once you start using it πŸ˜„.

What are those "Most Wanted" features?

Let's take a look at some of them:

  • Material UI
  • Code splitting
  • Redux implementation
  • Firebase to Redux sync
  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Push notifications UI integration
  • Theming
  • Internationalisation
  • Built-in CI (Continuous Integration)
  • Built-in CD (Continuous Deployment)
  • Realtime forms (isn't that awesome πŸ˜„ )
  • ... and a lot more I just can't remember

Is there more in depth information about this project?

Sure. It is a project made over years and still fully supported. Reason for that is that we use it in our company for production projects so it has to work for at least some years. Good enough for the JavaScript ecosystem πŸ˜‰.

The information you are seeking is scattered over some Medium articles written by me at the time I was working on solving some problems in this project. So they should explain some core parts in detail:.

end-to-end web testing

End-2-end web testing using TestCafe. Run them on Windows, MacOS, and Linux and view results on desktop, mobile, remote and cloud browsers (UI or headless).

Quick Start
Define in your .env file E2E_URL variable and then run npx testcafe.
Config file is .testcaferc.json
If test failed, reports will be automatically saved in e2e_tests/reports.
Full Testcafe Documentation you can find here

How can I make it MY project?

We have you covered. Here is a Codelab that will walk you trough the whole process of creating a new project and deploying it.

I have a problem. Where to ask?

It depends on your problem. If you have a question please join our Gitter room. If you notice an issue in the project don't hesitate to fill out an issue report to this project here.

I like this. Can I help somehow?

YEEEEEEES πŸ˜„ Everyone is welcome to send PRs and if you don't know where to start just write to me on twitter. There is always some work to do.

And if you don't have time to code with us show some πŸ’™ and give this project a ⭐ and tell the 🌍 about it.

There are way too much πŸ˜„ in this README. Are you crazy?

YES! :trollface:


Thank you to BrowserStack for providing the infrastructure that allows us to test in real browsers. Thanks to @SiradDev for creating the logo for this project πŸ˜„.


  • finish tests



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