This notebook repository now has a companion website, where all the course mateiral can be found in video and textual format.
To be able to follow the exercises, you are going to need a laptop with Miniconda (a minimal version of Anaconda) and several Python packages installed. The following instruction would work as is for Mac or Ubuntu linux users, Windows users would need to install and work in the Gitbash terminal.
Please go to the Anaconda website. Download and install the latest Miniconda version for Python 3.7 for your operating system.
wget <http:// link to miniconda>
sh <miniconda*.sh>
After that, type:
conda --help
and read the manual.
Once Miniconda is ready, checkout the course repository and and proceed with setting up the environment:
git clone
Change directory (cd
) into the course folder, then type:
# cd pytorch-Deep-Learning-Minicourse
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate dl-minicourse
Start from terminal as usual:
jupyter lab
Or, for the classic interface:
jupyter notebook
Jupyter Notebooks are used throughout these lectures for interactive data exploration and visualisation.
We use dark styles for both GitHub and Jupyter Notebook. You should try to do the same, or they will look ugly. JupyterLab has a built-in selectable dark theme, so you only need to install something if you want to use the classic notebook interface. To see the content appropriately in the classic interface install the following:
- Jupyter Notebook dark theme;
- GitHub dark theme and comment out the
invert #fff to #181818
code block.